New diagnosis

I was diagnosed following a biopsy on 31.8. Changes found on MRI which prompted biopsy. Strong family history, both sister and mum, grandmother and aunts all had it and now gone -very scared.

I feel well, the only thing I now have is a badly bruised left boob!


Hello SueRosA21, 


I am sorry to hear that you have been recently diagnosed, I am sure some of our forum users will be along to offer some support soon.


In the meantime you may be interested in our Someone Like Meservice, we have around 200 volunteers on the service who offer support over the telephone or email. We can put you in touch with someone who has experience of the issues you are facing, someone who’s had breast cancer and understands. 


If you would like to use the Someone Like Me service please do get in touch by email on: or by calling the service directly on 0114 263 6490.


Warm wishes,



Service Worker (Someone Like Me).

Hi SueRosA21,

So sorry to see that you had to join us on this forum. It is a great place though to talk about your fears, worries and anxieties. We all can sympathise, as we are, or have been in a similar place to yourself.

Across the forum are many threads, where you will find support, information, shared experiences and many virtual hugs, when you need them. We laugh and cry, we rant and rave and help each other through this time. It is unfortunately true, that unless one has had to deal with such a diagnosis and treatment oneself, others nearly never really understand what we are going through.

It is not surprising that you are so very scared, considering your family history. Has any gene testing been done yet? If I may suggest, this should be done very urgently.

Are you able to share your biopsy results with us?

You say sister, mum, grandmother and aunts and now gone - has their cancer gone or were they not able to beat this?

So sorry for all the questions - if you are able to share the answers, it may make it easier to support you throughout all of this.

It is worth thinking about the way treatments for breast cancer have improved beyond expectation over the past few years and new treatments and trials are coming on line, so to speak, on a regular basis. This is a great hope for many and more and more of us beat this. 

You should have been assigned a breast cancer care nuse, if you are UK based. It may be a good idea to contact him/her to discuss, whether you can access some counselling, as soon as possible. This is likely to help you with your fears and as you move forward through many of the diagnostic appointments and treatment. 

We are here for you.

Huge hug

Sue xx

Thanks for all the support, much appreciated 



Hi Sue Rosa, 


i am not in any way expert in the’ Strong family history field’ but I do know a couple of ladies with similar family histories who are in a ‘follow ip program’ for exactly that at the Marsden. I expect your hospital May do that too, but if not, you might wish to make enquires. Im sure the Christie may do similar.


love and best eishes,

