New diagnosis

Hi Everyone


I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer 4 days ago I am still trying to get my head round it. I am having a lumpectomy on 20th May and then have 3 weeks of radiotherapy.

Hi acker68 

sorry to hear about your diagnosis but welcome to the forum. I have found it to be a great source of support and comfort.

I too have Invasive ductal carcinoma and your treatment plan sounds similar to mine. I am having lumpectomy on Thursday. I have started a surgery May 2019 - there are a few of us on there having surgery this month so feel free to join in with that chat too ?.

It does take some time to get your head around the diagnosis - it all felt quite surreal to me. Now I know my treatment plan I feel better about things. I would say take one day at a time and think about the hear and now and what you know to be factual at this point. After I got my diagnosis I have avoided google as found it caused me more anxiety. 

I wish you every luck with your treatment.

Hugs Mel x


Hi Acker68, welcome to the forum and sorry you find yourself here.  It’s the club none of us wanted to join but we all unite together and it really helps.  It’s a scary time to begin with but once your treatment begins it gets a bit easier.  I was diagnosed with stage 3 locally advanced bc in a March 2017 and after chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I’m still here and doing very well with no evidence of disease.  Life goes on and you will laugh again, I promise. X

Hello ,

I , too, am recently diagnosed, only 3 days ago and am awaiting surgery at beginning June .

It’s the waiting  that’s hard … I would have liked to have started it straightaway  and get it over with! 

Is anyone else in this position ? Would like to hear from you … plus how do you tell family, particularly elderly parents ?