New DIEP getting bigger

I had a DIEP flap op three months ago and everything was fine up until last week. The DIEP breast suddenly seemed to get bigger overnight! I was due to see my PS anyway and he asked whether I’ve put on weight and I have, but only a couple of pounds. I’m also due my period next week (I still get them as didn’t have to have chemo etc) but surely this wouldn’t affect it?!! Anyway it seems gigantic to me now and shows in clothes and just when everything was going OK this happens! I know that it can all be sorted in my next op when the nipple is done, but just wondered if this has happened to anyone else?

Hi Carolec

Has anyone suggested you might have some lymphoedema?

You could try speaking to your breast care nurse about this.



Hi Bahons2

Thanks for the suggestion, although my plastic surgeon didn’t mention lymphoedema when I saw him. Hopefully its not that but I’ll ask next time I see him.

Hi Carolec

I hope so, too!

But just in case, I’ll just pm you a full link to ‘stepup-speakout’, a lymphoedema website that you might find interesting.

(Doctors are often not very clued up on lymphoedema)