New 'do' - dyed my hair!!!

Hi Everyone,

I just had to share this - I have just dyed my very short hair using Naturtint and it looks fab!! The colour has taken really well, I only left it on for 25 mins instead of the recommended 30 mins and I’m delighted.

My last chemo was in December 07 and I couldn’t wait any longer - the turning point came today when I was in the window at work, standing on top of a ladder and when I went to start my descent my wig was hooked onto a staple in the ceilling!! I felt it kind of lift a bit but managed to save it in time. It could have been really embarassing as there is a bus stop outside the store and it was crowded at the time! So as soon as I got in I slapped on the colour, my hair is still very short but I don’t care and I can’t wait to show off my new look at work tomorrow.

Good luck to you all,

Tracy xxx

Well done Tracy.My hair is just starting to grow back and can’t wait to be in that position.

Congratulations Tracy,

I had my last chemo in January and my hair is still so short and GREY. I popped in to see my hairdresser last week to ask if I could have it coloured and she just laughed at my impatience!
She won’t colour it until I have asked my onc. if it is okay, so I’ll just have to wait a bit longer.I was so glad when my husband got his hair cut last week, because at least mine is now longer than his again,although his grows much faster. I’m sure if I coloured it I would look so much more feminine.

If only it grew back as fast as it fell out !!

Karen x

I had been having my hair coloured every 5 weeks for 23 years before I was diagnosed (started going prematurely grey in my early 20s) . I was absolutely terrified of what it would look like when it grew back, but I have been pleasantly surprised as the shade of silver is lovely. I have it trimmed every 4 weeks and the guys in the shop have told me not to dye it as they think it is so striking. My OH has said the same. I am a young looking 46 and I don’t think being silver does any harm - I use special silver hair shampoo and a cream that gives a pearlised sheen when applied after blow drying. I now wear bright acid colours against my skin that I could not consider when I was brunette.

I asked the hairdresser to show me what colours they would recommend if I wanted to dye it again and I feel most of them would make me look washed out (warm ash blondes, etc). I guess I’m lucky in that I feel totally confident with this hair, I am happy for this to be me now. Also, I used to spend £80 every month and hated the tell tale root growth. I don’t know if I want to get into the vicious circle again, not just yet anyway.

Hi Cherub
Like you I went grey early, am now also 46,and was on the colour merry go round,so part of me wants to get off.My worry is that I was a really dark brown, so it it will be a radical change- but then again my life has had a radical change so what the hell My sister says I should see how it is when it fully grows back but my 19 yr old daughter is horrified although she has been in Oz since Nov and not seen how I am now - bless her.

morning folks. Well, I am no where near this wonderful state of having hair, actually being able to color it and be normal again.
Really, do you think that will ever be possible? (being normal, I mean).

I have bookmarked NaturTint for that day when there is the hope of hair. Right now I am a fuzzy headed sort of woman. With all the “french roast” dye out, it is silver/black, salt & pepper. When I was younger, folks thought I dyed my blue-black hair. It was natural. But I went grey early, and have been dying it a softer brown (which really killed me, I was so proud of my raven hair) which goes along better with an age.

But maybe now is the time to make the change and not be a slave to color. I started dying it at home because it was too expensive and it took so LONG. Whereas, at home, I can do it when it needs it and it only takes an hour or so. Fast compared to the 2-3 hours it takes in a salon. But, if it comes in silver or at least a combo of silver and black (vs horrible yellow white and grey), maybe that could be my new style. Can always fluff it with a tint and have fun with it.

Surely BC has taught us little else if not that we need to be in the moment and enjoy life AS IT IS now.

Take care everyone…

My hair came through silver / black / white and those people that saw it did like it, I was tempted to keep it like that but did not have the confidence - hence the colouring session. I went into work yesterday without my wig - my hair is less than an inch long all over and I got some lovely compliments which did boost my ego quite a bit.

Love and best wishes to you all,

Tracy xxx