I have just read an article in the Daily Express. It states that Cancer Research U.K. have made a break through in understanding what makes Cancer spread. Anyone else read anything on this new development? I tend not to believe a lot of the things put in newspapers these days. I would much rather ask the forum.
Not read anything…just been going with the ‘because it does’ thing, but thats just me. As long as the powers that be keep working and researching as hard as they have been doing…then im happy with that if that makes sense.
Guess this is the same research reported in the Guradian this morning. It relates to an article published in a peer reviewed journal called Molecular Cell. Apparently scientists have identifed two proteins called Mena and Tes (strange names for proteins I thought.) Mena is present in tunours and causes them to spread while Tes can stop this movement by locking itself onto Mena. Normally there’s so much Mena in the cnacer cells that Tes can’t do its job properly to stop spread. What is now needed is a drug to help Tes lock onto Mena.
This could be the very beginning of an exciting development or, like many other breakthroughs, it may end up not doing much at all. The pace of resaerch into cancer’s origins and spread is increasing but still not fast enough to make any difference probbaly to those who already have cancer. But maybe a step forward for the next generation.
I hope this is the beginning of an exciting development for the sake of all cancr sufferers, as you have said Jane probably won’t make a diffrence to those who already have cancer…but hopefully it will help others in the future.
This is the kind of research I for one want to hear about being done.
Just caught up with this thread. I read the article mentioned above. Hopefully it will help the furture generations.
I have become increasingly deppresed by one word ‘MONEY’ Everything is hampered by a lack of it.
Listening to a recent radio 4 prog and the availability of certain drugs it was obvious that even if a patient could live a further 6 months with a certain drug if it was too expensive then NICE would not allow it to be available. I cringe thinking just how i would feel if i was told i could benefit from a drug and live a further six months but unfortunately it costs too much.
I went to a university ‘talk’ with my youngest daughter the summer before i was diagnosed at the science and research dept here in Liverpool. My ears pricked up when it was announced he was a leading expert in cancer drugs and research as my mum had died of this disease the previous year. Came away rather depressed by his talk because he was very positive about primary tumours but very negative about secondary BC. It sounded as if no progress had been made in that area. Obviously no one wants to say this.
I always feel when i have a Onc appt i am one of hundreds of patients she sees and i should not expect much.
Rambling thoughts and opinions.