New friends

If you are trying to make some new friends would you tell them about your diagnosis? I am trying to make some new mum friends whilst I am on maternity leave but not told them about my diagnosis. I have only met them once before and meeting one of them again today.


Rosa1 :heart: it’s completely up to you when you are ready to share with anyone :heart: and everyone’s response is different when you tell them as you might have already found out :heart: you go with what your comfortable with :heart: sending hugs :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I’d ask myself do I feel safe within the environment and if you do , then share. As #shi says everyone’s reaction is different , so if you’re not up for reactions ( I felt v overwhelmed at the start) then wait until you feel more able to deal with them. Good luck and remember you are never alone.


Hi I’m new here not been diagnosed with anything .just a worried anxious lady .I’ve recently noticed a red patch on my breast and couple later it’s got darker and bruised .I’ve also feel like a lump or something under my armpit and keep having pain near having to wait til Monday to ring docs .I’ve also got a solid cyst on my other breast too .x


Dear Louise 221,

Welcome to the forum, we are here with love and support.

So pleased you are going to get an appointment with your GP to get checked out. Take one day at a time at the moment I know this can be a worrying time.

Please come back to let us know how things going.

Wishing you well, hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Hi can’t get in docs til next week this will drive me insane got me over thinking everything.hopefully I’m ok got to think red patch is only small and so is the bruise hasn’t got bigger .but I’ve lost my appetite not eaten proper in four days I’m having comfortable pain under my armpit area and top of breast not painful just itchy and uncomfortable really x



Was wondering if you could call the breast cancer nurses on this site for advice, feel sure they would be able to help you.

Telephone number 0808 800 6000 they are extremely, helpful and kind.

Hopefully you will get sorted out very soon.

With love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

Had take my son to doctor today so while I was there I asked nurse if she could have a quick look .she only had a quick glance and felt for a lump .and said he could b an infection.but she will have a proper look on the 10th and go from there .what kind of infection could it b she really didn’t say x


Pleased you were able to get a bit of reassurance today, however if this is an infection you need antibiotics asap in order to clear the infection.

Can you give the surgery a call in the morning, for an earlier appointment, hopefully they can see you before the 10th.

Wishing you well, hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

No I already ask and she said I’ve got 10th or 11th that’s what I fought if it’s an infection she didn’t seem that concerned :confused:.x

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Hi @louise221

The 10th seems a long time away but it’s only a few days now . Hang on in there . If you feel unwell in the meantime call NHS 111 which can be frustrating and entails a long wait but if you feel feverish as though you’ve got an infection or get more pain or your breast looks more red then it would be worth it. You could also try NHS111 online - our area has an out of hours GP service run from the Hospital and we managed to get my partner seen when he had an j section in his knee when the surgery couldn’t get him in.

Everyone feels anxious when they don’t know what’s going on - most lumps and problems in the breast turn out not to be anything to worry about but even if there is something waiting until next week to get examined isn’t going to make a difference to anything ( except your nerves unfortunately ). Try to keep busy which as a Mum I’m sure you are anyway and to do something this weekend that will get you out of your head a bit. It’s easy to fall into the trap of imagining the worst - we have all been to those places in our heads which usually turn out to be worse than the reality . Xx .


If it’s a group, it may help to tell one of them and ask them to tell the others. I hated telling family & friends of many years, so I asked one friend or family member in each group to let the others know. It meant I didn’t have to deal with so many reactions. It also gave them more time to react.


Thanks I’m probs the worse person ever to over think things my anxiety kicks in proper bad sometimes.its my mates birthday weekend and my girls do morris dancing so got their dance presentation to go too so hopefully that helps takes my mind .only thing I’m suffering with is my appetite it’s completely gone and wen I do try and eat I’m feeling nauseous

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Yes the same thing has happened to me with stress before now . If you can’t face a full meal have a snack to keep your strength up and if the only thing g you fancy is so thing you don’t normally eat because it’s bad for you then just have it. Hope you are able to enjoy the things you have planned and that your girls do well with their Morris dancing . If you have a good friend you can talk to who can be trusted not to tell everyone that may help . Xx

I tried some toast this morning and couldn’t finish one slice .then fought I would try a plain ham sandwich and omg I double over in pain and still now I’m having major stomach pains .for past days 5 days I’ve lived of 1 slice of toast .I rather drink water coffee or milk only thing I can manage.i have told 3 close friends and they tried resuring me to think positive but I can’t help think of the worse case ever .x

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I hated being told to think positive and it’s harder when you don’t know what you’re supposed to be feeling positive about . It’s the lack of control that really gets to you . Plenty of people have asked their Dr. for help to sleep or for anxiety - there’s no shame in that if you feel you’re at the end of your tether . You could be suffering from an irritable bowel which I have had once or twice due to stress . I had to stop drinking coffee for a while as it made me more anxious though I still had an odd cup of tea. Hang in there . Xx

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Yea I know but they get to say think positive though cause it’s not them going through it .I know they trying to keep me clam but if they really knew me they know that’s one thing I cnt do. I suffer from ptsd.and high functioning axitney/ panic it takes a lot to clam me down and to b honest I told my mates on Monday what I’m going through .I got the hope U get good news and it’s nothing bad think positive. that was it conversation shut down havent asked me or spoken about it since I know it’s only 2nd day .always feel like I’m not as important as my other mate x

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People don’t really know what to say and think positive has become a default reply .There’s this perception in the media about thinking positive etc. Yes it’s important but not always possible . Many of us think that what you’re experiencing now which is the waiting and not knowing is the worst part of all of it. Most people who need investigation turn out to be negative . But if the worst came to the very worst breast cancer is a very common disease and the vast majority of people who get it will still be here years and years later. You will walk past them in the street and never know that it happened to them. It turned out that there were two breast cancer survivors in my social circle I didn’t know because it stops being what your life is about and you don’t talk about it anymore. Everyone knows someone who died of cancer but how many people do you know that had it and didn’t ?

Since I had cancer myself quite a few people have also told me that they were sent for screening and found to be cancer free . Everyone has been where you are now and whether anything was found or not they all experienced the stress you are going through now and got through it and so will you. If you want to actually speak to someone about how you are feeling then calling the Nurses on the helpline as @Tili suggested might help you . If you want someone to simply listen then it might be worth ringing Samaritans. Xx

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