New girl on the block

Hi. I hope your do not mind my butting in but I am new to this site and not quite sure if I am doing things right.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of January and had a wide local excision on the 20th February, 2009. I go back to the hospital tomorrow for the results.

I am obviously anxious but from reading some of your comments I am a bit luckier than a lot of you - although to me it is major!!!
I am not sure if I will have to have further surgery, chemo, radiotherapy or what. Whatever happens, I can’t change things but I can face the future with determination.

I hope I am not intruding in your little group

Mommyw (Pauline)

Hi Pauline, I’m new too. The site has been a great help so far.

Good luck with your results tomorrow and please post how you got on. My results are due on the 19th March. Not allowing myself to look that far ahead yet. Had a good look at my scar (and bruises!) today. Not great but very clean looking. Clips out tomorrow so will gradually look better and I’m doing my physio.

hi Pauline - good to see you - will be crossing all for you today…keep us posted and post away on any of the message threads on here!! mary x

hi Pauline
welcome to the site, post away on any of the threads like Mary said, and bags of positive vibes for tomorrow!!!I know exactly how you feel, because I get my results on Friday…so watch this space!!!

Helen x

Hello Pauline

Hope you are healing well and doing your exercises! Fingers crossed you get good news tomorrow.

Everyone on here is very friendly and are happy to share their knowledge and experiences of dealing with the ‘breast beastie’…ha ha

Good luck!

Daisy xxxxxxx

No woman with breast cancer could ever be an intruder here.Love Valx

Hi Pauline,I thought I’d post here just to offer a bit of moral support. I was diagnosed exactly one year ago and have come out the other end OK after surgery,chemo and radiotherapy. This site is a wealth of information You’ll always find someone with an answer to your questions,or willing to let you have a moan. Good luck!


pauline - how are you doing? mary x

Hi Pauline …have you got your results yet??