New girl

Hi all, I am 46 & was diagnosed with lobular cancer on 7th Feb which came as a huge shock as have always been fit & healthy. I’m having 6 sessions of Fec-t then hopefully if tumour has shrunk enough will have WLE, ANC followed by rads. Seems a long way off at the moment as taking 1 step at a time. I started chemo last wednesday & was as bad as I had expected. I have been following the forums as a guest & when I need some advice or a lift it has helped me realise that I am not alone in the way I feel. Thankyou so much ladies you have got me through the last 5 weeks x

Bumping to be seen , So sorry you had to join us :frowning: but you will find much support and virtual friendship on here


Hi daffodil66

Welcome to the forum. I hope you will continue to find information and support here.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Thanks, its definatley made it a bit more bearable so far & that people do get through this x