Hi all
I had an appointment at the one stop breast clinic yesterday. I have had some discomfort and “thought” I could feel a lump in my left breast but wasn’t sure really so I went to the Drs to be on the safe side. I have 4 children aged 2 through to 9, so know I need to look after myself for them.
Anyway Dr referred me to clinic and I had my appointment yesterday after a 4 week wait. I expected a the scan and to go home but on the scan the lady said she thought I had a cyst, she said she’d insert a needle to drain it and prove it was. She did this and nothing so she then said we need to do a biopsy and did this puncture thing about 6 times. I was very shocked and shaken, I was on my own cause I was only there being cautious and not really expecting anything to be found. Anyway when they had finished I saw the Dr who said they would be in touch and it was probably benign.
Is that good? Would he say that if he didn’t mean it?
Thanks in advance for your advice. X
Hi Dt123
Firstly welcome to the BCC forums, I am sorry to read you’re having a dificult time at the moment. Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their knowledge and advice you might find it helpful to talk things through with a memeber of staff on the BCC helpline. Here you can share your thoughts and concerns with someoen who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 adn lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi welcome.
yes the doctor would definitely tell you if they thought it was sinister.
Mine did, got four biopsies, I’m sure someone took away the first one to take a look at it. When I went back to see the doctor after test was told it ‘seemed to be a cancer’ .
they know the terror of this time, waiting for answers, and if the doctor could hint either way they would.
take care
Thank you for your comments still not sure what to think? It was after they put the needle in she then said we need to do a biopsy. I guess it’s just a waiting game x
Thank you. Guess I won’t know till I know. I’m so surprised by the whole thing really. Am sure illll be fine, it worries me that she put the needle in and it wasn’t what she thought it was but guess that doesn’t mean it’s sinister.i figure if they call soon it’s not good if I don’t hear then it’s not bad!
Thank you. So if it wasn’t a cyst they would know what it was and tell me there and then? It was a different Dr I saw who said they’d be in touch and it was probably benign. I never asked the lady who did the Biopsy? All I know is it wasn’t a cyst. I’m sure it’s fine.
Hi All
I am also new here although I have been dipping in and out. I went to Gp in February after having very sensitive and tenderness in right breast and nipple. Nipple has also become flattened but not fully inverted. Go noticed differences between left and right breast and referred to one stop breast clinic. Had my appointment on 10th March when I had mammogram, ultrasound and punch biopsy after a lump was found underneath the right nipple. Diagnosis week later was said to be a cyst which is to be removed by surgery a week on Thursday due to its location. I am still not convinced that this is all it is and I know I should be grateful that it is benign. But my problem is that the Doctor I saw did not leave me feeling very confident in him as he did not appear to listen to what I was saying at just talked at me no to me. Nothing has been explained properly I am not aware what or how the surgery will be or even what type of cyst I have. I just feel I have symptoms not associated with a cyst which was not taken notice of and hope that they have not missed anything. Also I am 54 and post menopause. I feel so much better now after writing this all down as my husband will not speak about it and although I have grown up children they have enough going on with their own lives. Sorry if I have gone too long but it’s such a relief to get all that out. You are very brave .x
Can’t sleep!!! How long did anyone here who has their results wait for their results? X
Thanks Pat xxx
Hi Wilms.
I have had surgery to remove cysts before and so has my cousin so if they have said it’s a cyst then it is.
however you are still going to have surgery and that is always worrying. Take a look at some of the threads on here because the surgery to remove it will be pretty much the same apart from the lymph nodes I would think.
they always come and explain everything before surgery and you can make sure that all your questions are answered before signing the forms. I would write down your questions so you remember.
I dont know if you have had your pre-op yet but you can try and get answers then.
I know what you mean, not getting support or wanting to burden loved ones. People are just glad it’s not worse but don’t think about what you still have to go through.
no surgery is easy, I hope yours goes well
take care.
I slept really well last night. I have decided that I am fine. I can’t do anything till I get the results so I am deciding that there is nothing wrong. Also all the people on this website are sol calm about everything I feel whatever happens it’s fine. I am soo much more positive today. Thank you ladies and good wishes to all of you. X
Thank you so much Hayley xx I did indeed see a black shape but had no idea what a black shape is or was or what it means? It seemed to have a few white dots in it too. Again no idea! I am feeling really positive whatever the outcome today. Not sure what happened to me yesterday but I felt sooo tired, I just gave myself a kick up the arse and got done sleep and feel much better for it today xx thank you again xxxx
So I got my follow up appt today for 27 May which is the day we go on holiday. Have rang them and told them I can’t make it. The Nurse has done some digging and advised me my results are not back yet. She said she will call me tomorrow and let me know if they are in. If it’s all clear she’ll tell me. If not I’ll need an appointment. X
I have found reading your posts very helpful. I too had an ultrasound last week and then a few biopsies. My experience has been very similar to the other posts. My mind has been racing and swings between fearing the worst but trying to hope oft the best. My lump was very small and I didn’t do anything about it initially. I thought better of those and went to the GP. The breast doctor couldn’t feel it! I was sent for a mammogram anyway. Lump did show up on this and at ultrasound. There was another small lump next to it. Is it cystic or not? No fluid but plenty of biopsies. Have went thought every conceivable connotation and it’s driving me crazy. My mother in law dies from breast cancer a year and a half a go and it really took its toll on my husband, so I am now really worried how this May affect him as he was just starting to get back on his feet. Anyway I am now getting ready to go to work and try and keep it together until I hear what’s happening. Good luck to all of you. X
Hi Suze
Sounds very familiar, do you know when you’ll get your results? Did the consultant indicate what they thought it may be? I’m really glad you found the posts helpful I intend to update them till I get my result as I hope they will help others going through the testing process too. I’m sorry about your Mother in law xx I worry how my husband will cope to especially with the stress of 4 young kids but still holding out for good news. If it is bad then neither me or you will let it get the better of us!!! Good luck Suze xxx
They just called. I am all clear!! They said it’s normal Fibrocystic breast changes.
So happy.
Good luck to everyone here xxx
Congrats Dt123.
I bet you feel great. Glad you got the good news.
I’m sure you will have the best holiday ever.
Thanks Keeks, a very happy house here today x x the clinic have been fantastic x x
Good luck to everyone here on their journeys x
Hi all.
I too have had good news, I can’t quite remember the detail as I was crying at the time!
Thank you for your support and I would certainly recommend using a forum such as this for anyone who is going through a difficult time. x
Yay Suze!!! So happy for you. X