Hello everyone!
New here and really anxious to get my biopsy results in a couple of weeks. I’m hoping some of you have gone through the same and can make me feel a little more at ease about the whole situation.
I’m almost 36. I found a small moveable hard lump in my breast and GP referred me to the breast cancer clinic. Had my first appointment last Friday after a 2 week wait. I wasn’t worried at all. While sitting in the waiting room, several women came out saying to their friends/partners oh it’s just a cyst, phew! I was thinking that would be me in a few minutes.
After a physical examination, doctor sent me in for an ultrasound, nothing to worry about yet. Ultrasound led to a mammogram and then a biopsy with marker plus another mammogram to check marker in correct place. Nothing said about what the lump is, just that it’s solid. Back to first doctor who looked all serious and said the lump looks very suspicious. Asked me to go for a blood test and wait for MRI with contrast.
I was introduced to a breast care nurse who took me to another room and wanted to know how I feel and if I need anything etc. I was a little confused at this point, surely we need to wait for biopsy results before worrying. I left the hospital and my brain started to process it all, how serious both the doctors and nurses were and the word suspicious and I started to worry for real.
This morning, I had my next appointment scheduled for 11 March and I checked who it is with and it’s an oncoplastic breast surgeon.
Does all this mean it’s cancer or is the biopsy results appointment always with a consultant like that?
As with anything like this, the waiting is the worse but I hope the 2 weeks will pass quickly.
Any words of advice? Thank you for making it to the end.
Hello, I was same age as you, diagnosed some years ago. I think results come mainly from the surgeon as that’s where the referral starts, so I don’t think that is unusual. The biopsy results are key to anything that follows, but I think experience and knowledge gives the medics a fair indication if possible outcomes. Each hospital has a Breast Care Nurse or somes a few. You could give them a call, (contact via hospital switchboard) just to chat over what may happen in your hospital. They should be very supportive and happy to chat to you about process. Hoping the time whizzes by till your appointment, keep busy. Best wishes.
Hi @purple_panda
Certainly is a rollercoaster ride , until you see consultant they are all oncoplastic breast surgeons , it’s hard to get your head around everything , can ring your breast care nurse or helpline here , this is the toughest waiting on results try stay positive and keep busy the time will go quick . Good luck xx
The waiting for appointments is the hardest time! At my clinic the consultant was an oncoplastic breast surgeon on the day who told me my lump was suspicious. I think this is standard for the clinics and early appointments. I had a very similar experience at the clinic to you with multiple scans and a biopsy. I am 38 and I also very much wanted to walk out with a cyst. In my specific case I pressed him at the clinic at the end after biopsy about what the likely results would be. He said it’d be surgery either way as there was a slim chance that in the best case my lump was some kind of pre cancerous mass that would need removal (obviously this is specific to my ultrasound and mammogram though and isn’t necessarily general to everyone’s experience).
Until the biopsy results are confirmed nothing is certain. However I know from experience it is very hard not to worry yourself sick at this point- I know I did and it didn’t help me one bit. Make sure that you reach out to family and friends and talk to them and do some nice things to distract yourself until then. Take someone to your results appointment with you for support. A breast cancer scare is a difficult time whatever the outcome. Best wishes to you and I hope time passes quickly.