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Recently diagnosed with grade 2 stage 2 ductal breast cancer. 

still in mid diagnosis and have had more tests etc and scans. Been asked to go back tomorrow after a MDT to meet who I think is the oncologist as they want to start chemo first then surgery as the tumour showed up bigger after an MRI. 

to be honest I’m struggling to cope with all this mentally. Every time I get a call from the hospital I just want to scream, I just think it’s going to be more bad news. I know people say it gets easier after the treatment plan, but I’ve now convinced myself I’m going to get more bad news tomorrow. I’m just not sure how much more I can take. 

im sorry, but I’m just struggling and I don’t know where else to turn. 

Hi @dual80 , I am sorry to read you’re going through a difficult time. I hope our Forum will be helpful - you can share anything that you’re going through here without judgment.

We have some resources that may be helpful on this link. In case it helps to speak to someone in person, we have a team of nurses on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm) - we’re always very happy to talk things through at your own pace.

Sending our warmest wishes
