Hi Lisa
I am finding out this afternoon exactly what’s going on after being told last week I have BC. Am a bit scared. Am not quite sure how this forum works yet but think its a great idea - just knowing that people are in the same boat helps.
Hi Lisa
I am finding out this afternoon exactly what’s going on after being told last week I have BC. Am a bit scared. Am not quite sure how this forum works yet but think its a great idea - just knowing that people are in the same boat helps.
i came to this forume end of march having found a lump to my right side,unfortunatly for me it was bc, but the ladys on here are so supportive giving lots of advice and encoragement, it is a really scary time for you and then you start the waiting game which is hard,
i have just had my first chemo last friday, not feeling to bad today,
alex if you want to rant and rave do so, or if you just want some advise, i have met some wonderful people o here to talk to,
thanks lisa yes first out the way,how are you doing,have you got 2 left?
take care all julie x
Hi Alex Im really sorry you have had to join us but we are all here for each othere it is very scary but we are all here for you …
Any questions just ask ,Once you know whats ahead of you it does help x
Julie you sound really postive glad your not suffering to much thats the first one out the way I think thats the hardest not knowing so well done .
Ive got three left im half way but got some bad news today ment to have 4th chemo friday but got really painful red hot infection in arm think its from vein where chemo was given and onc said they need to treat infection before I can have next treatment bit of a pain as you prob know ive got the next three treatment planned out child care ect husband and friends time off to come with me and keep company so bit feed uo today .
Any way girls suns shining which always make me feel better all the best to both of you stay in touch
hi lisa
thats a nausence,that worries me as i have a holiday booked for 8th aurgust in weymouth and the balance has to be paid this month,i dont want to cancel it, so have just got to hope all does well, lisa i think you have inpirerd me to be positive , as you always seem so.
take care julie x
Hi Julie yes we were at weymouth last week (little sea haven ) we loved it but beach was so packed due to weather but great for kids because sea was really carm and seemed really safe for kids Im sure youll be ok and be able to go any way
hospital twice today arm had it so need more antibiotics to bring down swelling and need a hickman line put in for rest of chemo ( oh joy !!!) ALSO if no better they want to check for blood clot !!!in arm no rush …any way surpose they know best will let you know what happening and by the way Im really unusual to have all these side effects so dont worry Lisa … Ive always liked loads of fuss made lol
oh dear lisa sounds like a lot of worry for you, just as things were going along so nicely. Nothing is ever straight forward. I hope the swelling goes down soon. Big (((hugs))) lisa.
I seem to be dishing a lot of hugs out today.
luv Pauline xxx
Pauline how are you ? not spoke ( typed ) you for a bit … Im sure I read youd had your results is that right ,if so have you started treatment yet have they told you what youve got to have …dont worrry if youve already gone through all this i wount be afended if you dont want to type it all again …I feel a bit like that when friends tex to ask how treatment is going , i usually phone them as its eaiser …
sorry cant think straight got chemo brain and pain in arn that is like a constant tooth ache …
Yes It was all going so well …
Lisa x
hi lias
funny(not) that you say about the pain in the arm like toothache, as i had the same not as bad to though,did you also mention before about aching joints,as a few days after chemo my knees ache then my arms etc,
i was thinking of asking the hospital to put a line in as they have so much trouble each time to get needle in,
going over costa coffee now to meet friends
take care julie x
hi lisa, How you feeling today? hows the swelling in the arm?
I got the all clear from CT scan and i meet cemo nurse on monday to discuss starting cemo. 3 x FEC and 3 x something else, not sure what. radiotherapy follows, then i have to decide if i want all lymph nodes out or to zap them with radiotherapy ( 1 in the 4 taken out was involved). Then tamoxephen and overies out. After all that i can then think about reconstruction. What a summer we have to look forward to.
Hows it going julie? not spoke to you today, hope the aching is not too bad. I’ve been to physio again today and my BCN had rung the physio in the week to tell her off for making a mess of my arm, i felt awful because she was only trying to help me with the cording. Done some more tugging, it really hurt again but im hoping it will have helped with the last bit of cording.
Luv to you all Pauline x
Hi All,
Thought id join in as u lot seem to be quite upbeat and on my kind of wavelength!
It looks like many of you have had the op first then chemo so you are ahead of me.In september last year i was misdiagnosed,they done all the tests and the biopsy on the enlarged lymph node was neg.Finally - only after my persistence and another lump and my nipple being eaten away i was diagnosed march 24th with stage 3 multifocal invasive ductal.
I am 38 yrs old and have 7 children.youngest two are nearly 3 and 18 months.
Because of the length in waiting to actualy no what i had i decided to go for chemo first just in case it had gone anywhere else.Ive got 9 cycles of chemo (i just had my 3rd).
The bonus of having the chemo first is u can actualy feel it working and it keeps u upbeat and strong…no its not easy im due to start tax june 16th,(dreading it) but having seen my onc she has confirmed what i suspected,that the lumps are going!!
Following my chemo im having a double mastectomy and immediate recon with fat taken from my tummy (had to be insistent tho as they tried to fob me off with -the teams not big enough) so i sed well send me where it is then! In my opinion I know Its not in the other breast but it cud go and id rather get it all out the way!
My husband shaved my head at a big party,we raised £1100.00 for a local bc charity,they send in cleaners,gardeners etc.ive not bothered with a wig,for those of u that are upset losing your hair,think of it as its u have to get bald to get cured,thats how i coped,my hair falling out made me feel better that the chemo is working.I proudly walk around bald,my husbands bald too so we actualy look like right said fred!
Keep positive and stay well.
wow sharon, you have been through so much, but you sound very positive. You made me laugh, imagining you and OH walking down the street together, you are so brave and what a fantastic thing to do, raise money having your hair shaved off, well done you. I start my cemo this week or next week, sick of waiting to get first one out of the way now. Had MX and sentinal node biopsy 28th april. need to have full clearance or rads under arm later as 1 out of the 4 taken was involved. We all have a long road ahead but if we can do it together it will be much easier.
Hi lisa how is the arm? hope your ok
julie did you find anything in the shops yesterday? bet you got webbed feet with all that bloody rain
Alex, you still with us? hope your ok, were here when you need us
Luv to you all, Pauline x
Good on you, Sharon. It’s the being messed around that’s so annoying, but I suppose it would be a bludddy mirkel if they could diagnose properly first time all the time - this BC malarkey seems to be a lot more complicated than we ever thought before we joined the club. I’m (almost) with you on the baldy-head thing. I hate wearing a wig, and the scarf gets on my nerves - it catches on the little patches of stubble that are left. I walk the dogs in the park with the sun bouncing off my pate (when there is any) but I haven’t quite worked up to going to the shops like it yet!
Sharon, yr post really made me smile! My husband is bald too and he has made similar comments about us when my hair goes, not started chemo yet seeing onc on Tues. Hope I will be as brave as you!
love debs xx
Hi debs, not spoke for a while, hope all goes well on tuesday. I meet cemo nurse tomorrow so i hope i come away with at least a start date. Sick of waiting to get first one out the way now.
Luv Pauline x
hi pauline - keep us posted, take care, mary x
Pauline, i feel exactly the same, really scared about chemo but just want to get going now, its seems to have been a long wait!
Maybe we will be together on this chemo bit and mary can give us both advice!!
Love debs xxxx
I fink I’ve got chemo brayne! My friend just rang, and I was trying to have a conversation with her, and I just couldn’t think of what I was trying to say! Even simple words were slipping away. It’s not that I’m particularly tired or poorly - I actually feel as if I’m coming out of this one a bit quicker than before, it’s only day 6 and I’m almost human again already.
Good luck to those getting ready to start. I honestly haven’t found it as bad as I was afraid it was going to be - most of the time. My biggest problem is the veins where they take all the blood tests, but they’ve given me some Hirudoid cream which is helping. And I’ve got addicted to toasted tea cakes and crackers with Dairylea (not at the same time.) Oh dear, I’m rambling off the point again, maybe I’d better sign off…
hi all
was not to bad last week, just aching knees etc also sbit tierd,
wow sharon thankyou for joining this thread,you sound great,well done on raising all that money, im struggling abit with the fact that the hair is going to come out had 1 chemo so far,but maybe when it happens i will feel different, you are right about chemo doing a job though
pauline good luck for today, and yes i bought some lovely shorts to wear in the rain lol,
lisa hope the arm feels better today,
mary is fantastic at given good advise, i think the fact that she said drink lots of water the day before and days after chemo helps, thanks mary,
tommorrow night im of to see take that cannot wait
will let you all know how it goe`s
lots of hugs julie
susanne - I was mad about hot cross buns with cheese on with the fec!! Julie - glad you’re doing so well!! And enjoy take that!! mary x
Oh dear - some days it’s harder than others to keep your chin up. In spite of the sunshine, and the emergence from the worst of Chemo 3, I’m feeling a bit down today. Don’t really know why - just got a kick of “Am I going through all this just for it to come back in a couple of years?” Think I need an urgent infusion of toasted tea-cake!