Hi everyone
Its took me ages to register on your website!! Thought I could cope! I was diagnosed on 01/02/2008 have had a lumpectomy no lymph nodes involvement. Still very scared think I am driving everyone mad with my moods at the moment. I have been on tamoxifen for a month and start radiotherapy in two weeks. I would love to share experiences with you guys as you all sound so positive x
Hi Kayty,
And welcome, sorry to hear of your recent DX but you have come to the right place and will get lots of advice and support from all the lovely ladies here. Haveing a DX of BC is very scarey and we all know how you feel right now as we have all been there but it does get easier when you have your treatment plan.
I was DX last July and had a WLE also luckily with no nodes affected ,after surgery i had 8 lots of chemo followed by 23 sessions of rads which Yipeeeee finished last week so like you am now on Tamoxifen .It certainly is an emotional rollercoaster and you will have good and bad days but just come on here and shout/rant and rave if you feel like it and there will always be someone here who will try and give you some help and support. Try worry to much about Rads its fine, the worst bit is the daily hospital visits do you have to travel far?
Please let us know how you get on
All the Best
Hugs Lindiloo x
Hi kayty,
It took me a while to register too! i was diagnosed may 07, had a lumpectomy june 07, was like you fortunate to have no lymph involvement, then did chemo (as it was a grade 3 tumour) & radio. Being very scared is pretty much where its at at the point you are at now no matter how brave a face you put on so don’t be hard on yourself about how you are feeling. If you can find a friend you can be really honest withit helps, one who’ll not be freaked out if you want to cry (lots!!) or just have a jolly good moan. I was quite scared about radio but the staff were just lovely, explaining everything and taking care with me and after a couple of visits i felt calmer, it went ok, side effects were very minimal, just got very good at moisturising my boob a few times a day and on the last day i was so relieved my treatment was all over i cried all the way through & the lovely radiographer just gave me a huge hug! Wishing you all the best & let us know how you are getting on.
Take care,
best wishes, rivergirl.
Thanks girls for your messages xx Seem to be having good days and bad days at the moment. BC Nurse came today and advised some aromeatherapy (have forgotten how to relax). She said I am trying too hard for everybody else!!! I have to travel about 15 miles to hosp ,to Jimmys in Leeds but its got to be done.
Its lovely to hear from others as this experience can be lonely at times xx
Hi Katy,
I have just seen your thread and thought i would pop in to say hello, it sounds like you are on a similar route to myself. I was dx 24th Dec WLE/SNB 9th Jan finished 19 rads on the 18th Feb and am on tamoxifen for 5 years and zoladex for 2 with oopherectomy after the 2 years. My nodes and margins were clear so no chemo either. I started back at work this week on a phased return (was off for the whole 3 months of treatment) and things are starting to get back to normal (whatever that means these days!!) I had my first 3 month check up on Monday and was told nothing to worry about.
I just thought hearing from someone with similar outcome may help as there seemed to be few ladies in here who had had similar treatment programmes to me at the time of my oncology appointments (since then there seem to be loads which has made it lots easier). One hint that I got from the rads thread is to start with the aqueous cream as soon as possible before rads start as it can help the skin. I didnt burn or peel until about 10 days after they finished but am healing nicely now.
Be good to yourself, I had to travel 30 miles to my rads at Christies and found the travelling took it out of me (luckily they booked my appointments round my OH shifts so he drove every day while I snoozed). You will be back to your old routine before you know it even though it will never be the same again for us but pretty much its back to the same old same old for me…its just I’m different not in a bad way just different. Found I have lots more patience these days and just dont seem to get bothered by the little stuff anymore. Dont get me wrong I have had bad days which you will see if you look on other threads but the BC Babes in here have picked me up, dusted me off and helped me more than I can ever give enough thanks for.
Hope it all goes well for you, I will keep an eye out for you.
Love and luck Shonagh x
Hi all
I am also starting rads next Friday at leeds. absolutely dreading it but you are right it’s got to be done. feel as if I’ve only just got over chemo and it’s on to the next thing. I was just wondering, I don’t have any aqueous cream - is it necessary to use it prior to beginning rads? Also, i know i need tamoxifen - has anyone taken this whilst on radiotherapy at same time. I still haven’t started taking it and am seeing my onc on monday and need to find out if i should be on it now or not. Also, I haven’t had a three month check up either. I was diagnosed end of Sept 07, had lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed, it was in one node, then had 6 lots of chemo. I know we are all different in our regimes but sometimes I worry that if I’m not on top of things, the hospital may lose track of me!! Can’t wait to be over it all and hair to come back! good luck to everyone going through it, c xx
Hi Carrie, i would ask your BCN about follow up appointments, i m at a simialar stage in treatment, and have been told by my bcn that you start tamoxifen 4 weeks after you finish chemo, also i have been told to start applying the aqueous cream before you start rads, Hope this helps
Hi Carrie,
No you dont have to use the aqueous cream before but it was suggested to me by someone in the rads thread so I did it and it seemed to work. I started my tamoxifen about a month before rads and everything was ok didnt blow up or anything. I know its easy for me to say because I have finished my rads and didnt have chemo but from what I read of you chemo chicks if you can handle that you can handle rads. Its just lying on a bed with your chest out and this machine is about two foot over you and it buzzes and clicks for about 30 seconds then in my case it moved over to the armpit side and did it again from that position and then it was over. Honestly it takes minutes once you are all set up its a bit like a long x ray and apart from having your arm over your head you feel nothing.
My 3 month check up was with my breast clinic surgery team. They just checked me over (both sides) asked if I had any questions (I did just in case you havent read any of my other threads!! LOL) checked out my queries with the oncologist and sent me on my way. I had rads for 4 weeks and saw the oncologist every Tuesday. Same again just checked me over and asked me if i had any problems or quesions. Due to see the onc again in 6 weeks.
The aqueous cream is just from my chemist but you can get it from most supermarkets. Mine was £2.19 for a massive tub which I am still not half way through.
Really sorry you are feeling a bit worried and hope I havent set you into a panic, I know how easy it is to read more into things we see online.
Be kind to yourself is the best advice I was given so I pass it on to everyone too. Love Shonagh x
Hi Kayty
Make the most of the good days and plan some little treats for the bad ones, have your favorite book/film on hand, i found the audiobooks on cd great as if i was feeling really tired i could snuggle up and listen to one, and get your favourite chocolate in for emergencies!! I found myself trying hard to protect everyone else from upset about it all but too be honest you’re up against it anyway at the moment & the energy you are using to protect others needs to be available for you. Once i let my guard down with a few close friends they were just great, looking after me when i needed it and i felt much better. My friend took me for the first 2 weeks of sessions and would have done for the last two but i was doing fine and ok to drive and it was not far from me. Its nice to have the company of a friend especially if you have to wait any length of time to have your treatment.I was advised not to soak in a hot bath but to be honest i find a hot candlelit bubbly bath with a book so relaxing that i chanced it & my skin was fine & it was bliss. Its great you’ve had good support & advice from your BC nurse. Hang in there & take care of you, the time will go quickly and before long it will just be a memory.
Sending you all my good wishes,
Hi rivergirl
Thanks for the advice you are right I am trying to protect others at the moment. Sent my hubbie out tonight with his mate! oh dear he not well (that beer is not good in huddersfield!!!) Ah bless he needed a blow out.
Had a good day today they do come along and it is nice
Hugs Kay
Hi kay,
Nice to hear you’ve had a good day, they are lovely aren’t they? you probably felt better than your hubby!!!
Take care, rivergirl.
I was started on taxoxifen about a month ahead of my rads and all is going well - I am 3 weeks into a 6 week course of rads. So far no burning or peeling etc. Am starting to get a little tired now but I am still working (start at 8 and leave at about 2pm) and have to travel an hour to an hour and a half to hospital depending on travel. If it gets worse I will consider taking time off but I am stubbourn and hate to give into illness (I was back to work 2 weeks after my WLE). I was lymph node clear so no chemo - did have an intermammory node affected but they assured me that the rads and tam would suffice.