I know that I need to get it checked out, but I want somebody to tell me that it’s nothing to worry about, so that I can get some sleep tonight!
I finished my treatment 2 years ago ( apart from I’m still on Aromasin etc.) I am 43 now.
Yesterday I spotted a small lump on my chest (not my breast much higher up, a couple of inches below my collarbone) I looked on the internet and in the diagrams etc, there don’t appear to be any lymphnodes there! So I’m hoping it’s not an enlarged lymph node just a little cyst. It doesn’t move. (I didn’t feel it first, I saw it, it is visible in some lights!) I had radiotherapy in that region, so does that mean that cancer can’t occur there? Having had 10 lymph nodes affected I was given 33 rads (including 8 booster ones right up to my neck)
I guess I want somebody to tell me that cancer can’t appear after rads or that their aren’t any lymphnodes in the chest!
I will phone my BC nurse Tomorrow and ask her advice, was just wondering if anyone on here can help me? (even if it’s bad news - it will be no worse that I’m thinking already!) Will I need to get it checked out asap or will I be told to see if it disappears or changes in a week?
Hope to hear from somebody soon,
Nicky x ( a rather jittery Nicky tonight!)