new lump

new lump

new lump Hi Ladys,

I have a new lump in the same breast as before,i noticed it a week ago while doing my daily rutine paranoid check,its at the top part of my breast this time,its about the size of a pea,my breast is still tender after my WLE in Feb but this lump isn`t painfull to touch.

I have an appt in breast clinic 14 Dec and dont know whever to leave it till then to mention or phone my breast nurse now,HELP,Bluebell.

Bluebell don’t hang around- get on the phone to your Breast Care Nurse and get it looked at NOW. Hope it’s innocent , dilly

Hi Bluebell,
Call the bcn first thing, even if the lump is ok at least you wont spend a month worrying.
The bcn are very good with these problems, so dont delay get checked out asp.
Hope the lump turns out to be scar tissue - that some times has no feeling , so doesnt hurt.

Best wishes Glo

Can only echo what the others have said, ring your bcn and get an earlier appointment. Good luck, keep us posted.
Claire x

new lump Hi Bluebell,
I would phone breast care nurse.I found a lump in my other breast.about 10wks after mastectomy bkflp implant reconstruction on the other. Had an ultrasound and it was a cyst,it was drained.I phoned straightaway .I found it just a few days after my 3mth check up.
Hope everything is o.k.

HOPE YOU MADE THAT PHONE CALL and not hung around Bluebell. Hopefully you’ve been checked out now.

Let us all know how things are.

Take care all
Love Linda

new lump Hi Ladys thanks for your comments,i have finaly pluked up the courage and phoned breast nurse today and my consultant is seeing me tomorrow morning,im more scared now than i was first time around,i convinced my self then it wasn`t the big C.
I will let you know the out come soon,Bluebell.

good luck thinking of you for tomorrow, bluebell.
annie x

Bluebell Hope things went well for you this morning girl, it’s a constant worry aint it :-((( Specially with the agressive type, every lump and bump makes me paranoid

Thinking of you


just got back from seeing my consultant this morning and he wants me back 9.30 am thursday in his breast clinic so i can have a mammogram and scan and may-b a biopsy,he said it may just be a cyst ,i will keep you all posted thanks for thinking of me.

Good Luck Good luck for Thursday Bluebell, I will say a few words to him above for you, hope everything turns out ok thinking of you


Bluebell, huge hugs, so glad you plucked up the courage to go, must be a nightmare for you, hopefully it is nothing serious, amybe even scar tissue. Will be thinking of you, tkae care and keep us posted.

good luck, bluebell.
sharon. x