Have received my new list of medication aspirin 75m,apixaban5, tamoxifen 20m, I also carry the cancer gene so have to tell family, so they can notify gp, am still suffering bad blisters under arm where radiotherapy was aimed, saw cancer nurse yesterday not much they can do but keep arm raised and dry, putting aloe Vera on other area, still extremely sore and tired and cold, my blood is going to be so thin have to be careful I don’t cut myself.
So sorry to hear that you are going through so much at once . They should keep an eye on your blood clotting once you start everything - it’s likely that your surgery will want to do a blood test or two to make sure you are stable on your regime . You might have to remind them that you have new medications etc. that will affect your clotting as if it wasn’t prescribed by them it may get overlooked .
I’m wondering if the Radiotherapy team might be able to provide anything more in the way of help / practical support regarding your blisters and burns . A lot of ladies who have had mastectomy are given or buy little cushions to support their arm and provide a little bit of space and depending on where your blisters are I’m wondering if something like that might help .
Perhaps the Nurses on the helpline here or MacMillan helpline might be able to provide some advice on talking to your family in regard to the gene - and a chance to talk more about your feelings about it all . Someone was talking about this in my support group a couple of months ago - that is was a very difficult time . Very best wishes. Xx
Thanks Joanne sorry if I got name wrong but my right hand doesn’t do what my brain tells it as had strokes 7 years ago,and have copd, yes the consult have told my doctor about changes to my meds was on coprodigel and blood pressure tablets, but now new lot to make blood even thinner, whoopie feel cold even more, my daughter are telling rest of family good news about gene, I have a cushion didn’t know to use it, I’m sure all cancer team knows what to give me, have you had cancer, still feeling like crap but takes couple months for radiotherapy to eas out of body and get over surgery been exiting month, and I get to see my birthday Friday I’ll be z73 whoopie,mick
Yes I had breast cancer Grade 1 coming up to 3 years post treatment . I’ve currently got some sort of really evil Winter virus - the fatigue is reminding me of how I was feeling after radiotherapy . I’ve got a few medical things sleep apnea , poor vision in one eye after retinal vein occlusion , high BP but normally I feel well and am fairly active .
It sounds as though you have a supportive family and I hope that you can enjoy your birthday xx
Hi @mickyboy, thank you for sharing your story on the forum. We hope your new medication is helpful. Please remember we are here if you need to chat anything through!
And very best wishes for your birthday on Friday!
Yes I’ve heard a lot about this bug going around my grandson who visits me has cancelled so many times as he says it keeps coming back, luckily he came over last Thursday have received my new meds from doctor but have. To leave of tamoxifen but can’t take until I see consultant again as there still working out if it’s right for me as having had strokes in past, this dry skin and under arm still blistering, been putting aloe Vera on, hope you feel better soon mick.
Thank you - I think I’m starting to feel better . ,
Happy Birthday
Mick . Enjoy your day with your family xx
Mickyboy I lake 2 for blood pressure, I for cholesterol, 1 apsrin, 1 tamoxifen, and one for anxiety and omeprazole, just waiting for cancer one as have to have blood test to see if count is ok then one every two weeks, anybody have this, still feeling weak and tired but radiotherapy burns healing nicely still bit sore and stiff, take care everyone mick