New member due to start chemo next month

Hi, new to all this so this may be in the wrong place.


70 yr old, diagnosed multi focal BC er/pr- her2+, positive lymph nodes with “tiny nodules both lobes lung” and “suspicious area in spleen”. Big shock as after type2 diabetes diagnosis in nov 16, have been on low cal diet and exercise to control and haven’t felt this healthy in years!!. Normally very active ,play tennis, pilates etc


Onc is planning taxotere, herceptin and perjeta 6 x 3 weekly starting next month. Have asked for portacath as am told I have deep fragile veins and bruise easily. Also needle phobic but have started some hypnotherapy to get round that so I can cope with what’s ahead. Anyone with type 2 managed like this? Not sure how SE will affect my food intake and blood sugars.


Have done lots of reading , some helpful,  some scary but feel I need to  understand to make the right choices and get thru and out the other side. Our 1st grandchild due this weekend so much to live for. Having read some threads realise everyone is different but would be grateful for advice, coping tips if you’ve been there before. Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Newgrandma

Welcome to the Forum, though sorry that you have the need to be here.  I feel sure that someone will be along soon to support you and hopefully share a similar experience.  Please do continue to post and one of our wonderful supportive community will be along shortly with their own story.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer

Hello. I am a fellow needle-phobic. The portacath is an excellent idea as you do not have to see a hypodermic and you can easily avoid seeing the line being put in by turning your head away.  Be aware though that you can feel the needle go into the port. You will also be able to see and feel the port under your skin which I found a bit disconcerting and you will have a scar where it has been put in and taken out. However, it still sounds like the right choice for you. Sorry I cannot offer any advice re diabetes etc.  You sound like a really strong and resourceful person.  Hypnosis is a great idea. I would also recommend yoga, reflexology, a walk in the sunshine as often as you can and doing as many of your normal activities as possible for you. Make sure you give yourself plenty of treats, whether that is lunch with friends, a visit to the theatre, new shoes - whatever makes you happy.  With very best wishes.  

Hi Newgarnma sorry that you find yourself on here but welcome . Please come and join us on chemotherapy monthly starters march 2017 … There is a few of us who are due to start chemo in march … I go for my pre chemo assessment on 6.3.2017 so chemo will be a few days later. … xx angie

Sorry I mean new grandma xx