New member - half way through chemo

Hi all, I am new to the forum. Up till now I had chosen to take each step at a time and purposely did not seek out support groups and forums. However, I have found it extremely helpful today to find so many positive and supportive comments on this community that I found my fears about being dragged down by terrible stories falling away and wanted to be part of it.
I had my BC diagnosis in March, and a lumpectomy a week later. I am 44 and my treatment plan is surgery, chemo (FEC x6), radiotherapy and then Tamoxifen. As others have said it is hard when you go from feeling well (the week before my surgery I was cycling up mountains in Spain), to feeling rather unwell during chemo. At the point of diagnosis I was shocked to find I was facing such a long treatment regime and that chemotherapy was advised, including the inevitable hair loss. This was a big concern at the time, having quite long hair, it was going to be a while before I would be back to that state, but by the time it started to come out in handfuls I had come to terms with it and took myself off to get my head shaved. i think the hairdresser was more apprehensive than me! I had already purchased some lovely head wear but I surprised myself by feeling comfortable, at least some of the time to walk be out with a bare head.
I have found it fairly easy to be open and talk about my experiences. I have found many friends and colleagues interested to understand more about the experience - the details of which were mostly not known to them - which I think has helped them to understand and provide the kind of friendship and support that has been most valuable.
I look forward to talking more with you and thank you for the help and positive messages I have read so far. At the outset of chemo I didn’t know how I would respond and so dealt with it quite well. Now I am in the middle I know what’s its like and it’s not over yet for a while. x

Hi Caz,

there are a few groups for people starting chemo or during chemo which are based on the month chemo started. I am a may moonbeam! There is one for April too. Have a look and join one or all!
We try to encourage each other as well as giving advice on coping with side effects of chemo.
i have found it invaluable

Hi caz
sorry that you have found yourself to be in this situation but I think you have made an excellent decision to join this forum. I have been involved with February valentines and I have found it to be invaluable. The support and laughs you get from those on here has really helped me get through this situation that I never thought I would be in. It is great to discuss things with those ware know what you are going through and how you are feeling. Keep in touch and keep strong karen x


This is my first time here. I haven’t started chemo yet, but trying to get a wig in preparation. I live in Ickleford near Hitchin. Does anyone know of a good wig shop where they sell a petite size. I went to Hair to Ware today, which has been recommended by several people, but I have the problem that I am very limited, in fact, to the point of only one choice of wig because I need a petite, blonde, mid length style. Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Hi Caz - welcome to the forum. As the others have said you will find lots of encouragement and support. I am in the June chemo group, and it is great to talk how you are feeling with others going through it at the same time. I would def recommend joining one of the chemo month threads.
Jan - I am also looking for a petite, mid lengh blonde wig. I have tried one on already called Infinity which is a side partin and then quite choppy (you can get it online and most suppliers I think). I have an appointment in Manchester on Monday to try some real hair ones on as they apparently do a few petite ones that you have cut and styled, I think there is a Trendco in London somewhere.
Faye x