New member / second time with breast cancer

Hi everyone,

I’m new to the forum,but not new to breast cancer. I have just been diagnosed with a new tumour in my left breast, the same side as my previous cancer 19 years ago, when I was 39. The first time I had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. This time the surgeon has said I will have to have a mastectomy and Tamoxifen for 5 yrs. This tumour is oestrogen positive, the first one wasn’t. I’m all over the shop at the moment, as this was a complete shock after being clear for 19 yrs. I’m just saying hello really until I can get my head around things and ask questions.

Hi, and sorry that you find yourself here  -  yes you must be reeling at the moment, the shock too much take on board.


Any time of day or night, come on to the Forum, and let your feelings out - there is nearly always someone around, or someone who will get back to you . . . . somewhere to touch base with others who ‘get it’.  Don’t be isolated over the weekend either  -  have a look in at various threads. Sending you hugs aplenty x

Dorsetlass - s**t - 19yrs so called “clear”, now this. 

I hate to say this, but you make me feel “glad” (Umph!!) that I opted for a total mastectomy (+ full node clearance) at my 1st diagnosis, 2006, rather than a lumpectomy and rads. But THAT isn’t of much support to you, is it?

I also ended up with a second different type “primary” in my other breast, 2007! But both Oestrogen +ve, and opted for the same thing.

You - Two in one boob?! That totally sucks for you, girl. I really am so sorry to hear. Do you have a day for your op yet?

Do please keep us up to date with how you are, if you feel up to it.

Lots of love to you

Dellywelly xxxxxxx