New member

Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer and am new to this group but I can see I’m not alone

Hi Sadiep2015

You are certainly not alone. I hope you’re able to connect to people living through the same or similar experiences through this Forum.

We’re always here if you ever wish to chat things through.

Sending our warmest wishes


Hi Sadiep2015 - I’d like to echo Bernard’s lovely welcome message, and stress that you are most definitely not alone as you go forward. 

Please ask if you need help finding your way around the forum - for example I don’t know if you have tried already searching the forum for old threads about your diagnosis?

Even though we all have our own individual diagnosis, lots of the treatment is the same or similar, so you may want to connect with others also going through treatment at the same time.

Or you may just want to chat, share your thoughts, ask questions - whatever you need, someone will be here to help.

My very best wishes to you - and please do ask if I or others can help with any questions.

Evie xx