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Hi N.

So sorry to see that you’re still suffering from recurring infections, not to mention “anti-b overdose”! There are so many different kinds of anti-b that target different infections, so I hope you find the one you need very soon – it’s just not what you need while trying to recover & move forward. Will be thinking of you –

Marilyn x

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Hi N.

Feeling fine – had a “stay of execution” on IV chemo from my onc this week (apparently I have “sneaky” liver tumours: now you see them, now you don’t!), back on capecitabine tablet chemo and will have another CT in January to see if the little 'uggers are still there and/or growing.

Glad to hear the anti-b’s are finally overcoming the vile bugs for you, and hope you get your energy, mobility & brain back v. soon!

Love, Marilyn x

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