new member

I had a mammogram on the 15th July and then on the 27th July I recieved a letter to attend an ultra and biopsy on the 30th July. What a long wait for the results which I got on the 11th August comfirming BC-IDC. We felt like we had been hit by a 50 ton truck which we didn’t see coming. The wait for my operation on the 6th Sept was hurendous. Home now, very sore and feeling a bit down. They say that we have caught it really early but until the results on the 22nd sept we don’t know. My partner has been really caring and supportive and we will get through this together.

We had a holiday of a lifetime booked for my 50th which we were really excited about but have had to cancel it as clashes with my RADS.

Hello there and welcome to the thread; waiting for the results was by far the most difficult bit of this whole process for me I must say, so when you have them at least you are in the know about eactly what you are up against - that suited me better than not knowing, so I hope you get some relief when your results are through on 22nd. I’m really sorry to hear about your holiday too - for a while this diagnosis and treatment does take over your life - but then yesterday I was talking to lovely women who are a year out at a BCC meeting and their lives were back to something more resembling normalish.
very best of luck with it all - so glad your partner there for you - I feel very lucky indeed to have mine beside me however much stick I give her when I’m feling grumpy!
best Nicola

Karen, I forgot to say I’m 50 on 31st of Oct - not quite the look I had planned - bald, one breasted and a stone overweight ( blame the steroids!) but hey, still here!
cheers nicola

Hi my 50 birthday is the same day as yours 31st not bald yet but have gained weight who cares .

Wow, nice coincidence about our birthdays I will raise a glass to you - will be away with some friends I hope. Nicola

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Hi been for a check up at my bc clinic today,got alot off swelling under arm,and very sore anybody else exprinces this, but apart from hat im ok.

Hi karen not much help in that department i only have opp on 23rd what did the doc say has he give you painkillers sorry about your holiday i had 2 cancelled and was going to do a surprise one in november oh 50th not sure if i wud be able do that one yet fingers crossed depends if i hav 2 to rads big treak to clatterbridge everyday will have to use the bus they provide long days hope someone on here will be able to answer yr question take care elaine

Hi Karen

It sounds like you have a seroma under your arm. Some docs drain these but they have a habit of coming back. Others leave them as they tend to get reabsorbed. If its uncomfy, why not have a word with your bc nurse?

Julia xx

I was wondering if anyone kept it to them selves and their partner. I have asked mine not to say anything and sheis in turmoil. not sure I am being fair but I cannot coe with people crying and feeling sorryfor me.

Is there anyone that my partner can talk to. Luckilywe made a joint will after our civil partnership and all that stuff os sorted-not life insurance though so feel I could be leaving her up the creek without a paddle as I am the main wage earner in the family, the only driver and the practical one!

I feel really de skilled and keep crying… Not sure why she is staying really!

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Hi Karen,
Good luck for Wednesday.
I’ll be thinking of you.

Hi Nina - there are quite a few partners who post on here and find it helpful, although maybe that tends to be partners of people who don’t post themselves - I can see that may be a significant difference.

finty xx

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thanks Norbette for your support. Ive been back to the breast clinic an my nurse is really great. I have also told several friends and although they were sad they are extremely supportive. Its great to be free to talk about my feelings, thanks

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Hi me and my partner are going through the same thing,without her surpport idont know how i would get through this,iwould have not told anybody but my partner said we need support from others,and everybodys been so kind.
We going away on tues for afew days to look at wedding venues,we have been thinking about getting married for many years but this has brought us so much closer. karen

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Hi all,
congrats on the possible CP Karen, and well done for talking to the BCN - I never had one I could rely on and now I’m near the end of my treatment I realise what a miss that has been - all the others at the radiotherpay department chat on about theirs with great respect.
hope you are doing OK post op and results pending Norberte.
I have my last rads tomorrow and then a party in the evening for everyone who has been helpful…we went for the telling everyone approach at the begining which does have its drawbacks but also has its benefits - just thinking about previous posts re this.
Incidently my partner has got her support elsewhere and thats how it suits us, and friends of mine who are a year ahead of us said privacy became very important to them…
Doing some work this evening for a local charity (one of ours!) which feels good,
best wishes for your weeks, Nicola

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