New Member

I am currently on a Breast Cancer Care moving Forward course and have just found out about this forum.  I was diagnosed January 2013 following  a routine 3 yearly mamogram.  My other two had come back with no problems but not this time.  I underwent a lumpectomy followed by 6 lots of chemotherapy and then radiotherapy and have a few months ago finished a year of herceptin because my cancer was HER2. Also have now been taking Anastrozole for a year. I am doing all I can to keep well - have started going to a gym and making sure I dont put on any excess weight. I feel pretty good really, all things considered and grateful for all the treatment i have been given.  Look forward to hearing from anyone in a similar situation.             

Glad you are feeling so positive.I have had eight years of misery with pain , complications and subsequent severe depression.
Wish I’d never been for a mammogram

Dear Theresa4

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your post.  You might also find it helpful to have a look at the section “Living with and beyond breast cancer”.  I’ve attached a link for you:

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator