New product offers hope?

New product offers hope?

New product offers hope? In Australia there is a listed company that has just recieved approval for human testing of their anti-cancer vaccine. It is specifically aimed at metastatic disease and has worked very well in animal testings.It has been tested in humans with metastatic skin cancer succesfully and now is being used in trials for breast and ovarian secondaries.
I do not know where trials are being done but do know they have recieved permission for USA testing so maybe the UK too.
Here is their website: the company is called Viralytics and the product is called CAVATAK.
Company contact details are on the website.


Thanks Nicky I’ll have a look, always interested in new treatments etc.

Love Twinkle xoxo

Interesting - hope their research shows good results beyond ovarian cancer and melanoma

Clarification I didn’t explain myself too well last time so please read this link.,22606,21306204-421,00.html

They have got the results back from their first human trials and they were “unbelievable”
It is reported in todays Melbourne Herald Sun that according to Professor Brahmbatt “The breakthrough is using bacteria as drug carriers that go straight to the cancer cell rather than current therapies that flood the entire body”
This is an Australian GOVERNMENT study, not a small lab in the back of beyond. The implications are enormous as side-effects will be eliminated and this treatment could “save countless lives”
Human trials will be finished by the years end with the drug availiable “next year”.
The results “have been welcomed by cancer experts Australia-wide” the report continues.
I hope that this develops as they plan (and not be a flash in the pan)as this really could be the breakthrough we have all been waiting for.


I’ll have a read, thanks Nicky.

Love Twinkle xoxo

This sounds promising Nicky…I shall go and have a read too.
Hope you’re keeping well…Love Belinda…xx