New Pyjamas

good luck with the move. if any problems just leave all excess bits in storage

My arm’s much much better now - since I went dancing infact. I’m doing my exercises - it was particularly painful weeks 2 & 3 post op thpugh…

Got wig today - nice boring (very expensive but free in our hospital trust) same as my hair but better coiffed… I’ll never have a bad hair day!! May get a longer funner one from one of the E Bay shops…

Live chat tonight - looking forward to that !

Love Td x

Afternoon all!

Bit tired today - I’m making the most of feeling much better and am out 3 evenings this week. No chance of a lay in either because small child is up at 6.30! Just practicing in the fatigue stakes for after Friday. Rally not looking forward to the chemo, but needs must - just want to get it over with now…

Considering making my own 'fringe, (for wearing under hats/scarves) from my own hair - any ideas??? I thought I’d tie little sections into tiny bunches, seal the ends with wax ( like they do afro corn rows) and sew them onto a head band…

Td xxx

well - headcovers sell ‘fringes’ for 34 so not going to bother to try to make it!!! Seemed like a good idea at the time!!!

Feeling very wobbly today, but could be the steroids. I may be imagining it, but feels like I have palpitations!! Just nerves, i expect. Funny isn’t it as I’ve come through all of that massive surgery without even butterflies, but this seems so much bigger…

Love Td xxx

big hug Td
love Bridie

Love and hugs Td

Just incase I’m tethered to my sick bed for the next week, I’m fine, fighting and calm today. well as much as mega doses of steroids allow you to be calm!!!

My kids think that as the cannula is put in all my hair will fall out, so they are expecting me to come home bald!! AHHHH.

Will be on line if i at all can!

Love td xx

Good luck mate, know you can do it!!!
see you in a few days
deb x

Good luck td xxxxx Hi debs how are u Maz xxxx

Hi girls - doing ok!

bit lairy though - no-one warned me about that !

Think I’ve got hyperactivity from the steroids - just wish I was’t nagging my OH quite so much - it’s just that I’m sat around looking at all the piles of crap and thinking that if no-one else will do it then I’ll have to… so today I’ve done 2 loads of washing, pruned all the bushes, made the beds, cleared out 3 drawers, bossed OH around for getting all the kids out of the house. restructured the greenhouse, dead headed all the roses, knitted half the front of a cardi and watched 2hours of cookery programmes and read half a book.

yesterday after my chemo I went to work to catch up on some admin for an hour - at least I’ll get my extra payments for the last 4 months now!

Thinking I’ll be comatose by tomorrow though - but I do still have 2 more days of steroids, so we’ll see!!

Love and hope

Td xxxxx

its like nest building just before giving birth, cos you know it has to be done.
Routing for you kiddo

How you doing Bridie - when’s it all start?? Appt next week I think…
Not that i’m thinking straight now… still working… at least the steroids are reducing tomorrow!!

td xxx

are the steroids for sickness?
onc appt wed 9.30

B x

Yes - the steroids are for controlling fluid balance, helping to prevent allergic reaction and helping to controlthe nausea - not that I’ve suffered much anyway - been taking the tablets, as they say!

Bit flatter today, but still done lots of sorting etc. Did go to bed this morning though for a few hours…

Not much energy to type today…
love td xx

Hi Td
in a way, I am jealous! Had chemo thursday and only today starting to feel I may be improving! Quicker than last 2 times tho. Spent weekend in bed again feeling really rough. Really getting me down now. worse thinking I have another 3 to go! Why is it that everyone else I know going through it is not suffering as much as me!!! Hospital tomorrow all being well, for scan, so fingers crossed for good news. If not good, then will be on docetaxal for next 3 and dont want that. It will mean steroids beforehand, during and after, which will be different, but not heard good things so worried as ill enough now.
Hi Maz. Have been doing well until chemo which really gets to me for about a week normally but working hard to get myself together for tomorrow. still losing weight! not such a bad thing!
~Will keep you updated with news following tomorrows appt.
Deb x

Hey Deb

  • I don’t think the steroids have been bad atall - certainly has helped with the nausea (at least I’ve not had any…) and has given me loads of energy too. Still waiting for the crash though…

I expect you’ve had various steroids for the rheumatiod over the years - the one I’ve had is called Dexamethasone and is given in largish doses for a few days - I’ve had 5 days - anything to make you better … and remember, my onc painted the ‘blackest’ picture of TAC amd I’ve been fine, for docetaxal may be a breeze after what you’ve had…

Big love Td xx

Hello everyone,
just thought I’d pop on and report how I am feeling.

The day got off to an OK start, had my interview and there were only 7 on the panel so not too bad, will know tomorrow but not holding out much hope.
Then rushed back home changed dropped the little lady off at my mum’s and then up to the hospital.
Got called about 11.15 to do height and weight so they could mix the cocktail right, I have put on 6kg since my first op on 23rd April.
Then went to the hairdresser but not sure the wig is me, my mum is coming next week when I am going to get it so she can have her say.
Then they hadn’t got my notes so had to wait for them to be sent.
Saw the Dr, not onc, who went over all the side effects again and then I signed my life away.
They gave us a bit of lunch and then about 1ish I was eventually taken down to the chair, lol.
I got out about 2.30.
They had to have 2 attempts at getting the butterfly in but once in felt nothing going in until the last one.
Had about 8 syringes in total, 5 anti cancer and then the steroids and anti sickness and saline flush.
Then let go.

Came home and slept but the nausea has been building up since, I’ve taken an anti sickness tablet but didn’t help, been sick once and can feel it coming again.

But other than that feeling fine.

So on the note I will love and leave.

Love and hugs

Poor Lisa - my biggest hate is nausea. SUCK ICE. It works by shutting off certain pathways to the brain.

I’m tired today, but am up and dressed and making the most of my hair whilst I still have it!!

got to go to the GP today for stuff for oral thrush and heartburn. This is NOT glamourous is it!!

Td xx

Hi Td,
No it certainly isn’t. I am feeling a lot better today, just didn’t get much sleep last night so hopefully it’ll be better tonight.
Just feeling fluish today but think it’s down to lack of sleep and the almighty battle that is going on inside my blood stream LOL.

Love and hugs to all

Morning all!

Was wiped out yesterday with headache, either from doing too much or not drinking enough. Stilll got it today so will try to drink my 2 litres of water again. Do you know how hard that is?!!

I can lie on my left side again!!! What joy! I can now face OH’s back inbed rather than being back to back (he can’t lie on his right. We tired swapping sides of the bed but that didn’t work either…)

Eldest daughter off to France today for the week. youngest daughter vomitted all day yesterday but seems recovered today. It was awful as I couldn’t do the mopping up bit or cuddling bit due to immunosupression!! (well, maybe the mopping up bit wasn’t so awful…)

Looks like rain, so no washing to do… woo hoo. Back to the grind…

Td xx