new section for lesbians and bisexual women

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Yey! Ray of sunshine in a grey sky! I’m glad to know I am not alone… I was diagnosed with BC 3 months ago & had a mastectomy & reconstruction in Sept, but needed a complete clearance, from which I am still recovering. I get my results on Fri & will find out if I’ll need chemo. I’ve been having quite a few sleepless nights. This is my 1st post, & seeing this post tonight helped me have the courage to post, thanks!

Hi Puff and welclome!
Will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go for your results. I hope the results will show you don’t need chemo but if you do need it don’t panic, it is do-able.
When you’re up to it let us know how you got on, we’re here to listen and support.
Love Julie x

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