New to Capecetabine

Hi everyone,


I’m new to the forum and have read some very positive posts thank you.


I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992, it returned in 2001 but was still classed as primary. Then in 2011 after going to doctors with flu like symptons following a holiday I had an X-ray which show that I had secondary’s in lungs, following a CT scan I was told it was also in bone and skin. I was treated with taxol and amridex with good results until a recent  CT scan in August which showed 3 spots on my liver which hadn’t been there in May.


I have now started a course of Capecetabine and wonder, as I intend to continue working while on treatment, if anyone can give me some pointers on which food etc to avoid some of the potential side effects ie nausea and diahorrea.  I have been given tablets but think that there must be particular foods to avoid.


Also has anyone been told that they should avoid colouring hair??? as I’d rather not show my grey hair.

Hi Ave, I stayed with Capecitabine until it finally stopped working for me after four and a half years. Good Luck with the chemo. From my own experience I don’t think there are any particular foods to avoid as such, you either seem to have the tum troubles or are ok. Luckily for me I was ok but my feet suffered, heels especially although my hands were fine. I do know you are not supposed to eat grapefruit and, I believe, Seville oranges while on Capecitabine as they can inhibit the effect of the chemo. I have dark hair and don’t colour but I don’t think it would be a problem. Hope Capecitabine works well for you.

Hi Ave

As well as the the information and support you receive here you might find it useful to read the BCC publication on capecetabine.  It has information on the benefits and possible side effects. If you would like to read this on line or order a copy just following the link below:-

I hope you find this helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Ave
There is another long thread about Capecitabine that you my want to read, when you have time! However, in answer to your questions I wasn’t told of any foods to avoid other than the drinks Belinda has said. On iv chemo your risk of infection is much higher as your white blood cell gets very compromised whereas on Capecitabine this doesn’t seem to happen, or certainly didn’t for the 18 months I was on it. As to dye-ing your hair I used a semi permanent hair colour, one I’d been using for a few years, and found it didn’t ‘hold’ as much or as long as before. Other than that I had the very dry, and cracked, heels that Belinda mentioned as well as a few splits in my fingers occasionally. I did seem to get diahorrea the day after the cycle had finished and a few other ladies on the longer thread have mentioned this as well.
Good luck with this treatment and hope it works well for you. It’s not as quick to show results as the iv chemo but I had good shrinkage of my liver mets during the time I was on it as well as keeping my bone mets stable.
Nicky x

Hi,ave,I’ve just finished my first cycle of cap and off to pick second batch up today. Have a look at the long cap thread as there’re a few newbies to cap on there and it’s a very informative thread. Lots of experienced ladies on there like our lovely Belinda and Nicky and full of ts and advice. I’ll bump it up for you xxx
Huge hugs,Helen xxxx

Hi Ave I have just started my second cycle of Cape and so far I haven’t had any sickness or diarrhoea ,just some redness to hands and feet .I wasn’t told told to avoid any particular foods just grapefruit and Seville oranges. I was told it would be ok to dye your hair as long as it was a vegetable based dye.Good luck with your Cape

Kaye xx

Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread.  I’ve started taking my chemo and so far so good - feeling very positive. No-one mention that I shouldn’t eat grapefruits etc but will stay clear in future.

I’m a bit apprehensive about how long some ladies have been taking the drugs but needs must as I’m not planning on going anywhere soon to much living to do.

I have been on this chemo for 2 1/2 yrs for lung mets. My feet and hands get dry and crack some in the winter. It has been easy treatment for me. I do get very tired from it. I have been coloring hair for years while on this chemo and previously on vinorelbine too. I wish you the best! Funnyface