New to forum


I had a wle and snb on 8th May and was due to have lymph node removal on 3rd June.  Unfortunately, due to illness it was cancelled and am going straight ahead with chemo, starting this thursday with surgery and radiotherapy later.

Still seems unreal typing all this but reading about experiences from others really helps.


You are all amazing. x 

Hi Pen

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.  To help you along I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications you might find helpful.

Also, you say you are starting chemotherapy first?  You might like to have a look at threads running in the ‘going through treatment’ forum, - chemotherapy or the monthly threads, the users have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them and are only too happy to share their knowledge.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

I was diagnosed in April and it feels as though Ive been on a rollercoaster, certainly an emotional one, ever since. I have quickly had to realise that I have to accept, not fight, be positive and take each week, each step as it comes. Everyones journey is different, it appears and everyones outlook and perception will naturally vary, depending upon whether you are a glass is half full or half empty type of gal.
I started with a mastectomy on my right side due to three lumps, invasive ductal carcinoma , I think they called it. They did a sentinel node biopsy at time and an expander implant, which is hideously uncomfortable.
Unfortunately I then had to go back in and get axillary node clearance , nearly two weeks ago now, which is still very sore and has left that side feeling very weak but I am sure in time, i will recover.
I get the results from that this Wednesday and see an oncologist next week. They have told me chemo is highly likely, its just a case of how much and what that we are waiting for at the moment.
So, looks as though we are both entering the unknown together?