Hello everyone
My name is David and I’m new to this group, though I write occasionally on the Men with Breast Cancer page.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2019, went through usual treatments mastectomy, Axillary Clearance, chemotherapy, radiotherapy spent around a year on various hormone therapy, Tamoxifen Letrazole, and finally Extamastene, came off the first two due to crippling side effects the latter one was stopped when it started to cause high blood pressure. That in turn caused an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm that I already had to grown very quickly, resulting in an open surgical repair to fit a graft. 2021.
In 2022 I had left breast removed due to being BRCA2 at the same time as a repair surgery to my original mastectomy.
Then in June of this year I was told the breast cancer had gone to my lungs. Originally surgery was planned, then Oncologists said try Targeted treatment for three months first. Which I did ….and last Friday I was told the largest tumour on right lung had shrunk and there was evidence the tablets were working , on the left lung all stable. No sign of spread else where.
The oncologist said id be discussed at an MDT meeting, and surgery may still be an option…
Here is where I am a bit puzzled? if pills are working why would I need surgery that comes with all the risks they mentioned at the begining….
Anyway we will wait and see…
To be honest I feel as if I’ve been sleep walking for the last 6 months….history appears to be repeating itself all over again.
In 2019, a month after my diagnosis, my sister in law was diagnosed with Small Cell lung cancer, my cousin in Ireland , diagnosed with Breast Cancer around the same time.
My dear Sister in law passed away in Dec 2020…….
My father in law was told last October he had Mesothelioma a lung cancer connected to asbestos. He sadly passed away last week.
About 6 weeks after my stage 4 diagnosis in June my Cousin told hers had spread to her chest wall. She now awaits her new treatment regime.
She would never of known, it’s only because I told her about my BRCA2 Gene being on my dads side of family, she too tested and was positive. Because of the positive result she had an MRI instead of annual mammogram, and the cancer was identified at that scan.
I really feel bewildered by it all, and times exhausted. Sadly there has never been a time where I’m the person with cancer it’s always been others that come first …I might sound mean saying that. I am not a mean person, but because other people were more I’ll they took precedence, and I pushed that, but by doing so many forget I’ve got cancer myself, and act that way towards me……
I don’t mean to moan but I just need to vent this out rather than bottle it all up.
The funeral for my Father in Law is next week, and I’m dreading it, there are many family quarrels sadly mixed up in all this and I pray people can be civil fir just a few hours ….
And once again on the day I will be both peace keeper, the someone to lean on , the supportive one, the civil organised one….
And yet inside I feel this will be myself in years to come
Sorry it’s been long winded.
I may be a man but believe me I seriously know the pain and anguish Breast a cancer has caused , we may be few, but we men do get it too…
Ps…ife there any spelling errors please forgive me, my mind is shot to bits and have no energy to spell check tiday. Sorry