New to the forum

Hi everyone, just saying hello as I’ve recently just joined.

After tests and a core biopsy I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 weeks ago and had surgery (a lumpectomy and lymph node removal) 3 weeks ago. The post surgery pathology results came back as HER2 positive which means chemo and radiotherapy. 


All a huge shock to me which I’m still not sure I’ve got my head round, but I’ve read some posts on here and see a lot of advice and support from people who have been in my position, so I will ensure I log in every day from now on. 


Anyway… For now, hello everyone :raised_hand:?





Hi Anne,welcome to the forum ,it is a really good place to get advice and support .There are quite a few ladies at various stages of treatment and a lot at similar stage to you taking on the "just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand " thread if you want to join us for a natter.Jill.


Ive just joined on here,and reading your post I wanted to reply. I have also been diagnosed 5 weeks ago with breast cancer, I’ve had 2 lumpectomies and lymph node biopsy to remove 3 nodes. and then emergency surgery to remove a heamatoma . My chemotherapy will start in January. Followed by radiotherapy and herceptin. 

It’s a lot to take in, and feel it will help to talk to people on here .



I there. I’m also new to the forum. I now have secondary cancer in my hones and. Chest wall. I’m on my 5th cycle of eribulin which seems to be keeping it at bay. Here’s hoping it will continue to do so for a long time yet.

Welcome Eve,hope treatment keeps the bugger at bay for as long as possible.There is a section living with secondary breast cancer where you I’m sure you will find lots of advice a support if you post there .

Hello everyone I am also new to this forum and hoping to get support and advice which I will reciprocate with when possible.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002 and had surgery,followed by F.E.C and radiotherapy. I have now been diagnosed with bone Mets, pleura and lung. Finding it difficult to come to terms with this as I have been in remission for so long.

i was diagnosed back in may 2008. i did a youtube video on my journey. mine too was fueled by hers2 (as well as estrogen). here is my video.

Good luck, I just started my chemotherapy 2 weeks ago x