New to the site - Just had a single mastectomy

Hello all,


I am 41 and was diagnosed with Grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma on 28th September and had a single mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy yesterday.  I didn’t feel too bad yesterday and was home for 6.30pm! I was worried about how I would look coming out of hospital as I have large breasts (breast) for my size, I was told i would get a softie which I did get and wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  I am feeling very sore today, worse as the day has gone on.  I noticed that my abdominal area is quite swollen and my ribs on the right are very sore, has anyone else experienced this, is that normal?  I’ve also noticed that I’ve lost some feeling under my arm which I’d read about and am hoping will come back but that’s a small price to pay really xx


I hope everyone is doing well xx


I had single mastectomy too and my abdomen was swollen and I was sore and bruised afterwards. Also my underarm and one end of my scar was numb. It allgot better with time apart from the numbness which I am stuck with but hardly notice now. I think the rib soreness comes from the local anaesthetic injections they do while you are under to minimise pain when you wake up.  That’s what surgeon said. Also numbness can improve over months.  Do keep an eye out for increased pain and any redness and call the BCN right away just to be sure it isn’t an infection. Take care


Hi rigsby,

Sorry to hear that you are feeling uncomfortable after your operation. I can’t help with your questions about the mastectomy but I do have experience of numb skin following operations. In my case, I’ve had two operations to my leg. Each time there was numbness in the skin near the incisions. It did improve over a few months and is no longer numb. However it doesn’t feel the same as the rest of my skin when touched. It’s hard to explain but it the feeling is not as constant as in other parts of my skin - some parts of my skin are more or less sensitive than normal. It doesn’t bother me and I’m hoping it will continue to get better over time.

Ps - I can recommend bio oil as I think it helped reduce the brightness of my scars so they are less noticeable. Mind you, it won’t do anything for the numbness

Hope you feel better soon xx


I think you have been insensitive by posting these comments here. If you wish to discuss unconventional treatments then you should start a new discussion about that. By posting here, it feels like you are singling out an individual who has just gone through major surgery. Your comments did not relate to her questions so perhaps your opinions would be best shared elsewhere

hi I am just 40 have had a sinle mastectomy as well two weeks tomorrow. my surgeon hasn’t said what it is to me just it is grade 3 19 /20 nodes have cancer cells my biggest tumour was 7 cm.
like you my ribs ect was and still are sore . my arm has no feeling as does the air pit is total dead.