New to this one!

Hi Girls

I haven’t posted on this section before, so bear with me!! I was diagnosed 5 years ago with multi focal bc (2) one was grade 2 the other grade 1, I had a lumpectomy , 25 rads, mast then chemo…I have been on Arimadex for the 5 years and I had a oophrectomy.

My Aunt (Mums sister) was diagnosed with ovarian 7 years ago. My problem is that at the time we never thought that it was genetic as there had only been 2 distant relations who had had bc many years ago, but now my dear cousin (my Aunts daughter) has been diagnosed, again with 2 tumours and we are now all wondering if there is a link?

My tumours were 100% oestrogen. Can anyone explain about genetic work and what can they offer if we do go forward for testing. Also can the risk possibly be starting with my cousin and myself.

You help would be very much appreciated.

Much love to you all.

hi LL

when i went for my genetic appt i was told that it wont just start with you it has to come from somewhere.

a lot of whether you get tested will depend on your age and that of your aunt and cousin at diagnosis…

here is the BCC info

my daughter, sister, aunt and i are only a moderate risk even though mum had BC at 57, i had bilateral BC at 37 and 40 and great gran we think had bc in her 40s… but hard to find old records… i think the risks may vary depending one where you live too as different trust and health boards may use diff assessments.

where i live, moderate risk women arent normally given genetic testing however as i was entered into a research trial after the first BC they decided to allow me to submit a further test to the actual lab (not a research trial lab) after i developed a new BC… however a moderate risk means that those affected can join screening programmes and get more frequent mammograms or breast examinations from an earlier age.

its worthwhile talking to the genetics clinic even if they dont feel you fit into the criteria as other cancers may be associated and also future cancers so would be good to know incase anybody in your family developed something later on.
