Hi all,
I have recently been diagnosed with bone and liver mets, I am 33 and have three children aged 11, 2 and 4 months. I spoke to some of you at the live chat for mums. I have been reading some of the discussions and noticed some of you meet up. I live in Surrey and wondered if I could gate crash. I can’t make the 24th (school holidays) but if you do another one I would really like to meet up.
I have not used a forum before. The live chat was an eye opener as well so please excuse me if things are not quite right
Welcome to this site stixylix.
I too have liver and bone mets and have been living with it for the past 4 years.
I feel for you as you’re so young (I was 40 at initial diagnosis and am 53 now) and so are your children.
I’m hoping to make one of Dawn’s picnics but am on holiday when her next one takes place and am also hoping to meet up with a lot of people on here.
Sorry this is so short but just about to catch a train to Leeds in about 10 mins.
It was good to chat the other night and I thought you ere so brave to come onto live chat when you had only been diagnosed with secondaries.
Hopefully, you will find us all helpful and supportive.
Trying to sort out paperwork but surfing the net instead!!
Be in touch soon again and would love to meet you. I’m in south hampshire so depends where you live in Surrey - but I tend to use the train with my disabled railcard now so much more relqaxing than driving. PM if you want to later on…
Love Kate
Welcome Stixylix - hopefully you’ll find lots of information and support through the forums.
I too have liver mets - dx last May/June. Much older than you though - primary dx was at 46 and am now 51. Having such young children must add immensely both to your stress and distress. I work with 3 and 4 year olds and find them brilliant in terms of helping me focus on the right things and enjoy life, but then I can leave them behind at the nursery at the end of the day and don’t have to worry about their future (other than with my professional hat on). Hope you found the chat useful in airing your concerns and coming up with some practical ideas that might help.
Shame you can’t make the meet on the 24th but we are intending to make them a regular event (every month?) - Dawn seems happy to have them at her house and it worked really well last time in terms of being able to chat to everyone there and feeling really relaxed. So hopefully you will be able to make the next one (or the one after that if the next is also in the school hols). Am sure you would find it both enjoyable and useful to meet others in a similar situation to yours.
I too am in Surrey - very close to Guildford. Wherabouts are you and where are you having your treatment (hope you don’t mind me asking)?
Hi Stixylix
I was on the live chat the other night too with you. I am 40 with a 4year old daughter and 19 month old son.
I live in Essex and went to the last picnic at Dawns and was a good time. I was dx last July with bc and liver mets within 10 days of each other.
We are looking to do the “picnics” on a regular basis, so hopefully you will make one. Let us know where in surrey you are.
Take care and well done for joining in the other night.
Hi Stixylix,
I have bone and liver mets - diagnosed earlier this year. I am also in Surrey (Walton on Thames) and being treated in Guildford. I am 47 with children of 15 and 17.
Don’t think I can make 24th either but depending on where you are in Surrey, we could try to meet on some other date with other locals if you wanted?
Take care,
Thanks to everyone for responding. I live in Weybridge (so just down the road Gill) and I am having treatment in Guilford (are you also being treated in Guilford Kay?). These forums have been a great help to me, fantastic to hear your doing well 4 years down the line pinkdove. I would love to do the next meet up but if anybody local wants to meet up before that would be good. I am having treatment thursday and friday so next week I will be fairly out of it. Just let me know.
Hi Liz
Welcome to the forums, I’m sorry to read of your recent secondary diagnosis. I’m sure the other forum members will continue to offer support and share their experiences with you. You may also like to know about some of the other support services from Breast Cancer Care for secondary breast cancer.
There is a telephone support group, the aim of the group is to give you the opportunity to talk privately and confidentially to other people around the UK with similar experiences. Discussions cover issues such as relationships, work, money, living with uncertainty, treatment, as well as everyday life, for more information click on the link:
There is also a secondary live chat, similar to the one you joined last week, this is Breast Cancer Care’s online chat facility where you can talk to others in real time, it’s from 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm on Tuesdays. It is facilitated by an expert moderator and a nurse who are on hand to point you to sources of help and information, for most people, the chance to talk to others in a similar situation is what counts, again, for more information follow the link below:
The following link will take you to Breast Cancer Care’s publications about secondary breast cancer, including specific ones on bone and liver secondaries which you may find useful to read, there is also a DVD called ‘Living with secondary breast cancer’ which has been recently introduced, you can order these via this link or by contacting our helpline on 0808 800 6000:
I hope this information is helpful to you Liz and please don’t hesitate to contact us either via the website or the helpline for more support and information.
Kind regards
Hi Liz
Yes I too am being treated in Guildford. Hubby has private health insurance through work so am at the Nuffield or Mount Alvernia, but the team is the same as at RSCH - Dr Neal and Mr Kissin.
And am always happy to have an excuse for a lunch out and a natter! Work every day except Thursday (term time only) though and am at the hospital every 3rd Thurs. So not sure whether that fits with your treatment at all.
Take care
Kay x
dippykate - you say you have disabled railcard - what is the criteria for this? Can we all get one? I am naive about all this I am still working at the moment but because I am self employed I will not be taking any more bookings when I start Chemo until I know how I will be. What else is there available?
I live in Sussex - anyone else?