New Trial

Hi Everyone.

Thought I was doing really well when on Friday the 13th my onc. said my lungs were clear apart from some scar damage and there was a significant reduction in my bones and liver mets. Very fed up when he rang early this week to say my tumour markers were up again and he wanted to put my on a new drug they have been using for about five years in America. So off the Taxol and Avastin and on six more cycles starting tomorrow, two weeks on, one week off.

The new drug is called Eribulin (Brand Name Halaven). It is supposed to have minimal side effects.

I have given myself a strong talking too about how lucky I am that he is a) on the case, b) putting me on this new drug, c)how much better I feel than I did.

Would be interested to hear if anyone else has heard of this drug. He says it should be in the news this week or next. I think I am one of three women on the trial in my area so it will be interesting to see how we do.


Hi Cleomie

No I’m not on the trial but having just re4ad about it on some sites such as Cancer Research Uk it does sound like a good choice for you and is a Stage 3 trial - and it’s given me hope of another strand of treatment that I could access in the future if necessary. Yeps sound like USA and Swizerland are already using it - so glad we are catching up… Sounds like an interesting development - best of luck to you with it and hoping SEs are not too bad.


might be worth looking on the American site.
loads on there about drug trials etc.