I get my hair styled at 12 today in time for hol next week xxxx from experience has anyone had a longer wig and found it goes all dry like horse hair after a while! Mine has but it’s eight months old. Thinkin bout a bob this time so it lasts longer and it’s like havin new hair cut x
also my hair is now coming back fast and v curly it’s awful I look like the old classic golliwog. Not flattering at all. Anyone else find the wig doesn’t sit so good with the new hair?
Ps any hit tips on wig maintenance. Don’t think I cared for mine as well as didn’t know what to do really x
I purchased a bunch of stuff that was recommended by the wig seller and it came in a pack that included a brush, wig frame for drying, styling spray and shampoo. I do know what you mean about the dryness though. My wig is 100% synthetic and although it’s a short style, I have to make sure the back of it where it touches collars, stays flat, otherwise it tends to stick out away from my neck, which gives the game away I think.
Also, don’t open any oven doors! I did and the heat frazzled my fringe!
I’m beginning to hate the word ‘wig’, such an ugly word!
I know what you mean about the wig being troublesome once your own hair grows.
I had a long wig as my hair was long when this all kicked off.
I did buy a short one on ebay that was rubbish. I only wore it while taking grand baby out. She was so used to me with very short hair she would pull the long wig off. Never batted a eyelid when I wore the short one grrr!
I bought some very tiny straighteners in Wilo as mine came back very curly. Ideal for short hair. I spiked it up and shed the wigs for good.
Hope this helps darl. xxx
Thanks all of u x all very familiar sounding. I bought same brush she was using today so that will help. Can’t believe how lush and real new one feels!!! Is it ok to use fabric conditioner in cold water rather than wig shampoo?
If not I think the shop I got the brush in may sell wig shampoo. Hope it smells nice lol god miss my natural long hair. Stupidly got my new shorty curls trimmed to take bushy bits off but it’s made it wavier and bushier lol
Hi, Do you wear your wig over your own hair? l was told to wear a ‘cap’ while l still have hair, she said the wig doesn’t sit on real hair very well, the ‘cap’ is a bit like the toe end of a pair of tights! so if you buy a pair of large tights and cut the foot off should fit perfect!!
Sandra xxx
I have about 50% of my hair left from using the cold cap but it looks so thin and manky I’ve been wearing the wig over the top without a cap over the top first and I find it stays put, although after a while you feel like pulling the back of it down - try not to do this in public though!
As someone who has been wearing wigs for over 18months (my hair has never re-grown properly since FEC ) I feel I am quite an expert on the subject!
I don’t wash mine too often as I don’t think they need it: I occasionally use the style spray to restore a bit of shine but generally I think we are much more aware of the wigs than anyone else is; unless you are very self-conscious and keep touching it, I think you will find nobody knows the difference unless you tell them. (or have chosen something completely different from your usual colour and style)
My husband has actually become quite adept at discreet signals if the wig has ridden up a bit or needs some adjustment
Only yesterday someone who I’d not seen for 2 years and who had no idea that I had BC, complimented me on my hairstyle and asked if I’d just been on holiday as I looked so well!
I have not had any problems wearing my wig over my regrown hair - the only problem I had was when I was completely bald and actually lost the wig on a windy corner. I was mortified; it was one of the lowest points of my treatment time. I felt such a freak chasing after it- my sense of humour completely deserted me on that occasion!
Aww Topsymo how awful darl.
At Christmas I went out on the town with a group of girlfriends. We wore Santa suits so I had a Santa hat on over my wig. In one crowded pub a young man decides to steal my hat. AHHHH!!! he made a grab for the hat and took my wig with it GULP!
I dont know who was the more shocked, him or me.
I can laugh now, but at the time I was mortified. My friends were too, I thought they were going to lynch him.
Still it can be a family heirloom story each Christmas now eh?