New Wig Shop in Paisley/Glasgow

Hi Girls,

Just wanted to inform you of a new shop which has opened up in Paisley in Johnstone Street… Glasgow has been a bit thin on the ground with wig suppliers recently due to only having 3 and then one closing, and Sharon Francis who runs the talking heads class for scarf tying in the Maggies centre has just opened a shop, it’s called “Masthair piece”. I got my latest wig from her, and have been very pleased with it. She also runs an aftercare service (to deal with those troublesome greys!!!)and any other hairloss/ regrowth concerns…

If anyone would like me to pass on her number just PM me…

Best wishes
Fiona xxx

just bumping this up for you Fiona

Carol xxx

Just bumping this up xx


Thank for this great piece of information, after much Googling I can’t seem to find much information at all concerning wig shops in the Glasgow area.

My mum is starting chemo next week and so we are trying to get her kitted out in time.

Would it be possible to give me the address and/or telephone number of this Masthair Piece shop, as I can’t seem to find it on Google?

Thank you very much,

Hi Grace,

I tried to private message you the number but this site wouldn’t let me onto your info page so here it is… 0141 237 4525…

Fiona xx

Hi Sharon has her web site up and running…Here is the address…

Fiona xxx