New - Worried

I found a strange lump in my chest, between my collarbone and breast. It is about 1-2 inches across, and a finger width around. I would think it is the bone, except there isn’t one on the other side. I went to my doc day before yesterday, and she called all over our area trying to find a radiology appt. for me that day with no luck. I am going in today for diag mammo and ultrasound. I wonder if there are other things it could be. Trying not to worry, but my cousin had 3 biopsies done Tuesday.

Hi Tlison
how did your tests go today?

The swelling is unexplained inflammation around those lymph nodes??? They found 3 new cysts (small, fluid) that they want to watch for 6 months. The swelling I should watch for a couple more weeks, and if it doesn’t go away get a chest CT. I had a biopsy in 2004. That time the breast surgeon reviewed and picked up something (turned out benign) that the radiologist missed. I am going to have him review these films as well, just to be sure.
Thank you for asking.