
Hi Everyone, I have only just joined this forum,I hav not even updated my profile yet.I am 33yrs old and have a son who is 18months old.I was diagnoise in oct last yr,had a mastectomy in Dec,had my 1st chemo last month,due for my second today.I am looking for anyone about my age who live in or around northampton as I live there. I felt abit odd when I walked into the chemo suite in NGH as everyone around me was alot older than I am. I know there are younger people so I am looking out for them. I would love to hav a chat,share experiences,fears and just general information with anyone.Ever since I found out about my BC,I hav been in a world of my own,living in isolation in heart even though I hav a son and a a husband.I just think I need to speak to others if u live around area pls get in touch.thanks


Am not in northhampton, in harrow London but just wanted to say hi and sorry you are feeling alone, i am sure you will find someone on here near you.

If you have a mcmillan centre near you they can tell you where the local support groups are or maybe a cancer charity. Hope that helps.

Lots of love to you and hope your treatment goes well today.


I’m not in Northampton - am near St Albans about an hour away. But similar situation - I’m 35, got diagnosed on New Years Eve, and have a 3 yr old boy and 18 month old girl. Have had lumpectomy and lymph node clearance, and will have my 2nd chemo next week. I know what you mean about walking into the chemo suite - I always feel conscious that I’m the youngest person in the room whenever I’m at the hospital. I think there are a lot of young mums on these forums - I only logged in yesterday for the first time - have been feeling a bit ‘don’t want to join the club’ up till now but actually reading the postings has been nice.



Hi I just saw your post. Im a similar situation to you but probably further down the line. I was 33 when I was dx…Ive got two young girls aged 3 and 6. I started off having a lumpectomy, have had chemo, and a mx and am now on my radiotherapy.

I think regardless of what dx people have had or what treatment they may have had we’ve all got the same fears, just different experiences.

I live in Birmingham (excuse my geography thats not too far from Northampton is it?)

Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. Feel free to PM me. I too am married and have a very supportive family and friends, however no one fully understands unlike the women on here !

Warm wishes and hugs,

Sal xx

Hi just putting your post back to the top.


Hi omo, I live relatively close to you, but i’m afraid I am an “oldie”. I am 51 but still feel quite young when I am in radio suite. Have been at northampton today so may even have seen you?!
I am halfway through my first week of rads.
I think no matter what our ages we all feel the same. I have a grandaughter of 18 months, so I know it must be hard for you dealing with all this and children too.
Do you work? I have just returned on a phased return and finding it ok at the moment despite still having treatment.
Please PM me if you want to, any help or advice I can give you I gladly will.
Salsal_21, Birmingham is about an hour away.
Take care, love and hugs, Debbie. xx

Hi omo

I live kettering which isnt too far from you but bit older(44) was diagnosed october 09 had WLE and SNB, now halfway through chemo and know how hard it is to talk about how you feel to your family(dont open up to protect them),hope you can find someone to talk to on here who will listen and give you the support you need.We are all here to listen and help.
big hugs x

Hi Omo

I’m afraid I don’t live near you - I’m in South-West Scotland, but I have a baby son the same age as yours, so just wanted to say hi. I’m further down the line than you - was DX nine months ago, had WLE, then lymph node removal then radiotherapy and am now on Tamoxifen for five years.

I have found SO much support from the lovely ladies on here, especially the other young mums, and especially Salsal21 who I see has replied to you too - and I consider here a good friend now.

Love and hugs, and feel free to offload on us anytime.

Shenagh xxx

Hi Omo,

Whilst not as young I am 37 am classed as one of the youngstersear . I don’t live near you am in Ealing. I have a 5 year old and a 2 yea dr old. Have gone through a lot of emotions especially as i was only diagnosed with Stage 2 at the end of Jan am due for 2nd cycle of chemo a week today. Am still doing the school run although sometimes hard have supportive partner but sometimes coming on her is the only place where people undrerstand.

If u want to talk please fell free to pm me

Love 2 u


Hi Omo, just want to say hi. I’ve only just joined this site - I wish I had done earlier. I was diagnosed last year at the age of 39. My children were then just 3(son) and my daughter 11 1/2 months. I was still breastfeeding and due to go back to work five days later. I had a mastectomy last May, followed by chemo, then a lymph node clearance and radio. I am now on Herceptin and tamoxifen. I’m planning to return to work in May.

I’m not evenly slightly local to you, but I just wanted to write and say hello. Sadly the treatment made me rather poorly so we put our children in to full time nursery.The children are what really made me wobble both physically and emotionally. Whilst expensive, it has been a blessing as I really could not cope with them and we do not have any local family. I totally understand about feeling the odd one out. You feel as though you have turned up to the wrong clinic, only you haven’t. In Exeter we have a Force centre (cancer charity) - that runs a Young Womens support group. This has been a real help to me. Your breast care nurse should know of such near to you. I’m not sure if you know but Breast Cancer Care run Young Women’s Forums, which are fantastic weekends away, in a hotel, free of charge, and full of young women and some very knowledgeable people. I’ve just come back from one and found it so helpful. Its worth getting in touch with the girls at Breast Cancer Care and booking on to one. Also I believe they have chat/group telephone sessions which others have told me are really good.

What I have found so helpful is the honesty on this site. The real thoughts and fears that we all have.

Take care. xxx

Hi Omo
How are you doing?
I am a bit older than you (38) but was diagnosed last September with grade 2, mastectomy and full node clearance three weeks later.
I have two children, who are now 5 and two.

I am in Cheshire, so not close to you, but if you speak to your breast nurse, she ma be able to put you in touch with others of the same age who are going through a similar experience?

I find this site invaluable, it is the one place where i can truly express how i am feeling, and just let off some steam now and then…

I hope your treatment went okay for you…

Love Naz x