

Im new to this forum, my 28 year old daughter has just be diagnosed with breast cancer, we are all devastated, my daughter is being so brave and we are all falling to bits my daughter has just been married less than a year and has got to lovely children who are 7 years and 5 years. im so confused i dont know how to start to help her xx

Hi Budster

I was diagnosed in Dec age 31 and also have 2 children age 7 and 4. The waiting for treatment to start is the worst part of it all. I have had my first chemo last monday and to be honest am feeling pretty good.

This site has been an enormous support to me and is really great for getting positive advice. The women on here are amazing. Any worries or questions are soon answered.

You have come to the right place for some support!

Sending hugs

Nic xx

Thanks Nic

Hayley is going for her op on the 01.02 and then we have got to wait for 2 further weeks for the results from the operation the hospital has been great and have been very speedy.

hi budster,

sorry your daughter has this to deal with. but she will get through the treatment.

the first few weeks are the worst. waiting for things to get moving, and results. once things become a bit clearer and she knows what treatments are to be given it will get a bit easier.

is she having a lumpectomy, (WLE). this is what i have had so far. if so the op is not too bad. a bit sore/tender rather than really painful. hopefully she may be home the same day. depends on your hospital some stay in overnight. at mine they mainly try to do it as a day patient.

i am a few years older than your daughter (39). my mum has been great. she tries to do too much though. coming making sure house is tidy and asking if theres any washing or ironing etc. this is really nice and helpful, but mainly i just like the fact that she is there for me and supporting me through it and so is my dad every step.
at first i found it difficult to discuss anything in front of my mum and dad about it. and was only talking about it with my husband. i think i was trying to protect them and didnt want to upset them by mentioning operations or radiotherapy etc. but after a week or two they told me they didnt want me bottling things up and worrying about upsetting them. that the most important thing was me.

i am sure you will be a great support to your daughter and her family by just being there for her.

lots of hugs

TTM xxx

Yes she is having a WLE on the 1 feb, thanks for all your replies I just feel like im in a bubble and will wake up soon xxx