
Hi I’m new to this and I’m posting for my sister because she can’t handle it right now. Are you able to private message certain people on this site? Thanks

Hi Kellie
Yes you can private Message if you enable it.
Hope your sister gets some comfort from all the posts on here.
Love Sarah x

Hi Kelie1

you might need to be a member on the site for a little while and be approved by the moderator, before your private messaging is enabled.

This link should give you more information -

In the meantime, why not have a look at the October 2016 starters thread -

and feel free to post any questions you or your sister may have. We are here to support you and your sister, as well, as we can.


Sue xx


Hi Kellie you have come to the right place for support for you and your sister! This forum acts as a solid rock  and enables you to make sense of the different stages of treatment. I guess your sister is recently diagnosed. There is an area on the forum for newly diagnosed as there is an area for people like you, supporting others. Depending on whether she has surgery first or chemo there are different areas of the board to access. If and when she starts chemotherapy it is a very good idea to join the monthly thread- a new one is started each month. Immediately you develop a close bond with others who are going through the same journey! I am from the April 14 thread and 5 of us have continued to post and we have met up twice! We now chat about much wider subjects than cancer! We are always there for each other through the highs and lows of everyday life!
You can private message anyone and also you can ring the helpline and speak to a nurse. Please do use this forum it helps that others know exactly how you are feeling!

Hi Kellie, we all know exactly what you and your sister are going through and offer as much help and support as we can, I hope in time your sister will feel up to joining us and will be able to take comfort in the many many threads from ladies here at various stages of treatment and beyond! I’m 18 months from diagnosis and life is good again ! XX