Newbie and lumpectomy

What a journey! Went along for first ever mammogram on 17th March and here I am 30th April having had my lumpectomy. it’s all happened so quickly and everybody has been so supportive but I’m a mess!! They’ve only taken two lymph nodes and when I woke up told me they were clear… But still they get frozen and checked again so frightened to believe it until I see the consultant on the 13/5!! Think I will have radiotherapy and 10yrs taking tamoxifen ! Thank god for mammogram checks x

Ohh I am sorry to hear your news…you will get alot of support on this site and i would like to say welcome to you…good to hear your nodes are clear Hun…yes it is good the mammogram, wish they would lower the age though…did you feel any lumps or changes in breasts Hun? Big hug Emma xx

Hi Twizzle3

I had my WLE & SNB on Friday and won’t receive my results until the 15th May. Unlike you, I don’t know how many nodes were taken and I don’t even know how much of a margin my surgeon took. I will need to wait until the 15th to find out all that information.

For me persoanlly, if they don’t get clear margins or even if my nodes aren’t clear then it is back to the operating table to make sure for the 2nd time. Although I don’t want to think about that option, I am not ruling it out as a possibility. I only want to know that everything is clear and if that means a 2nd op then so be it.

I am sure you will be fine, but keep us update and keep coming back to the forum.

Good luck,

Felt nothing and neither did the surgeon so had to have a guide wire inserted the day before the op which was not pleasant but it mean that the surgeon new exactly where to go!!! I’m feeling positive …ish

As my lump was around the 3cm mark, it was quite easy to find so was fortunate not to need the guidewire.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the 13th.

Take care
Martha xx

Thinking of you too x

Had the all clear with regard lymph nodes. 3 weeks of radiotherapy and 10yrs of Tomoifen. And breathe :slight_smile:

Yay, that is great news. I’m really pleased for you.

Take care
Martha x

Your turn now Martha. Dig deep be thinking of you xx

Sure is Twizzle3

My appointment is tomorrow, so fingers crossed the path department didn’t take the bank holiday last Monday or I could be waiting until Thursday.

I had to pop in and see my bcn today as my boob felt a little swollen - As it turns out I have mild lymphodema in my bood. she said that my onc may wish to drain it tomorrow via a needle but I also may be referred to the lymphodema peeps so they can teach me to massage the fluid to drain it away :frowning:

Keeping my fingers crossed.
Martha xx

Wishing you good luck for tomorrow Martha, Have they given you any info on lympoedema? If not, there is a booklet you can download here:

PG xxx

Having surgery tomorrow 21 May after routine m/gram on March 16th showed DCIU. Pre-op last week, wire to be inserted tomorroew, although I already have a titanium marker. Husband has MH problems and is unsupportive. Head in a mess and keep being told to put on the ‘brave face’. NHS is under pressure and the service is not very good. BC nurse not responsive to email and very tardy when I called her. Bag packed, shower at 5.30 tomorrow for 7am arrival at hospital unless postponed for ‘an emergency’. In daily contact with Samaritans, as I wish I would not wake up from the anaesthetic. If hubbie was supportive it might be different. Best of luck to everyone undergoing treatment for BC. Vary XXX

Hi Varya

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from your fellow forum members who have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them, who I am sure will be along soon to offer you that much needed support. In the meantime can I suggest you give our helpline a call, lines are open until 5pm today, 0808 800 6000 the staff are here to offer you added support and are a good listening ear.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Varya

I am sorry to hear that you have found yourself here and also that your husband is not being very supportive. Apologies, I don’t know what MH is :frowning:

Once you have had your op, everything will become a bit easier for you. However, I’m not going to sugar coat it, but you will become a little more anxious as you await your final path results. Do try to keep yourself busy, go out for a walks, window shop, surround yourself with friends and family (who are supportive).

I also found the BCC helpline a tremendous help during my times of anxiety. They are amazing and understand what you are going through.

I wish you all the very best of luck for tomorrow sweetie
Take care
Martha xxxx

Hi Varya,

I am with Martha on this ring the helpline on here especially as you are not finding your local BC nurse as supportive as you would expect.
I feel for you not having teh support from your husband and I would think his MH issues are at the bottom of this. (I am not making excuses for him.
I hope you find support from all the lovely ladies on here as I have. Its a great place to come , rain or shine, upset or ranting, there is always someone willing to listen.

Good luck for tomorrow, I hope it goes well.
SAm xxx

Apologies, my brain has just kicked in - I agree with Sam in the that MH issues will be effecting his judgement as to what is fully going on with you.

Please call the BCC helpline, they are amazing :wink:

Take care
Martha xx

have now started on Tamoxifen and oh the night sweats and hot flushes !! :frowning: = very little real sleep, hope it gets easier!!

Hey Twizzle - Sorry to hear about the night sweats…I really hope they get better for you :wink:

Thanks Martha, how are you doing? I’ve my appointment on the 10/6 for radiotherapy, just want to get on with it now !