Hi I am new here so a big Hello to all of you.
I am 45 and found 2 lumps in my right breast and went to the doctor last Friday. She referred me to the breast clinic and I attended the appointment today. I had a mamogram and US.She finihed the exam and said I could get dressed and As i got up to dress. The breast nurse told me that it looked like I may have a cyst (but didnt mention the other lump)and there are calcifications which can be associated with cysts or they can mean early cancer. She went on to say that as I am very small breasted she would like to speak to the doctor tomorrow and that I may be recalled to have a biopsy, She expressed that she would want to investigate further.(I felt that she was telling me that she needed authority to go ahead with a biopsy) Which leaves me wondering whether having small breasts poses more of a risk than larger breasted ladies.I feel annoyed at myself for not asking the nurse any questions stupid me went blank.(I was putting my clothes on when she told me all the above) Now I am worried I wont get an outcome or even a chance to speak to the ornacologist about my scans.Will they send me a letter if they do not phone me ? What does anyone suggest a reasonable time to wait before I contact them? I am a bit fed up with myself for not asking the nurse to wait till I get changed to speak about the findings.Sorry for rambling on any advice would be great.
Hi catpaw,
Sorry you’ve had to join us here. Don’t be annoyed at yourself for not asking questions we’ve all been there, you would be in shock at what she was saying to you and you don’t take everything in.
I can’t answer your question as to whether small breasts pose a bigger risk than bigger breasts. I think she needs to have a second opinion on the ultra sound from someone more qualified and it would be their decision as to whether a biopsy was necessary. In my case the nurse did the US and it was a senior radiologist who decided to go ahead with the biopsy.
I wouldn’t have thought that they should take too long to get back to you I had my US followed half an hour later by the biopsy. I would ring them at the beginning of the week if you haven’t heard by then.
Being in the “waiting room” is a horrible time, you just want the tests done and to have the results.
Also not every lump is cancerous.
This should bump your question up and hopefully you’ll get more replies and encouragement from the lovely ladies on the forum.
Take care and keep me posted.
Luv and Hugs
Catpaw, I’m sorry you’re in The Waiting Room, it’s really horrible and I know it’s hard to believe but it is the worst place to be.
I hope you get to see the specialist, or even have another chance to talk to them, so you can put your mind at rest and find out more information.
I’m surprised they didn’t do a fine needle aspiration on your cyst, as that can sometimes clear things up on the cyst thing. But not all clinics operate the same.
Give the helpline a ring, they will be able to answer questions for you about clinics generally, and might help you to formulate the questions you want to ask. Can’t say much else as I’m not feeling quite right this evening but I’m sure others will be along soon. But do give the helpline a ring tomorrow, they’re great and will REALLY help.
Don’ty beat yourself up about not asking - you were in a difficult situation with much to take in.
If you’re really worried phone them tomorrow, explain how you feel and the questions you wanted to ask, they will either answer you or expalin why they can’t but at least you will feel that you’ve done something.
You are in the worst bit - the waiting bit. Its very nature makes you feel powerless as you can’t rush anything or push anyone into saying they’re not sure about.
call tomorrow - you’ll feel better by just doing something.
take care x
Oh dear. SCACO, do you think we need to do a bit of explaining about the glamour pics as our avatars?
Catpaw, if you wander round the forums you’ll see lots of examples of people dealing with it, and being very silly and giggling, as well as helping each other, asking questions and just being generally supportive. SCACO’s avatar and mine are examples of just that. Please don’t be alarmed (we don’t look like that ALL the time).
Not alarmed in the least chocciemuffin.Thankyou and all for the advise. will post if I get any news.Keep the sense of humour up its light relief even if its just for a brief few seconds a day. Best wishes
HI catpaw66 -give them a ring if you feel up to it- its not OK to tell someone something important when they are getting dressed- and you clearly didn’t get all the info you needed anyway. best Nicola
Sorry to hear you’re worried over what was said to you whilst getting dressed.
My experience of this bit last August was after the mammograme (ouch this one hurt as they had to “split” the fibres to get a good look). I had a small cluster of calcifications. The US was done by a Doctor radiologist who (after I’d got dressed) took me into a room & brought up my pics on a computer and went through them with me. Took a couple of goes as I was so scared I was physically shaking.
She also showed me the mammo’s & confirmed there & then I needed a biopsy. This was arranged for a couple of days time. I was a mess by the time I left; didn’t remember much what was said except it is probably nothing; but bi-opsy needed to check the calcifications.
Bi-opsy was inconclusive so needed further investigation warned may be early breast cancer. I knew this before I left so I’m surprised you have been left in limbo wondering what’s going on.
I ended up with DCIS (non-invasive & known as pre-cancerous) still needed to be sorted which hopefully it is following WLE & radiotherapy for me.
Don’t worry over making a pest of yourself; I did, later in my journey over delay to start radiotherapy. Get on the phone & if your nurse hasn’t been able to confirm the test results with a doctor yet; you can ask to be put in touch with a breast care nurse. My experience of the 1 helping me is they are great and will talk to other medical staff for you and be a big support during this very stresful and scary time.
You do come through this & please let us know how you get on; remember not all breast conditions are cancer although it is hard to think of nothing else until you know for sure.
Lots of hugs
hi everyone,
ChoccieMuffin, the most worrying thing about your avatar: that’s exactly how i look lol love liz xxxxx
Received letter today,
I have another appointment at the hospital on thursday 14th April for a Stereotactic biopsy.
Been looking out for you. Sorry you have to wait again, it really is the most horrible time and as choccie said the Waiting Room really is the worst place to be. I hadn’t heard of this type of biopsy so not much help to you. I had core biopsy followed by WLE and radiotherapy.
Thinking about you. Let us know what happens next Thursday.
Love and hugs
never had this kind so looked it up
in sort its a core biopsy with mammograme i think
Dear Catpaw66
So sorry that you have had to join us, but a very warm if somewhat belated welcome.
Like some of the others I had a “one stop shop” scenario when I went to the hospital here, needle aspiration immediately, mammogram x 2 and then ultrasound. Fortunately both the Consultant and the Consultant Radiologist both agreed it was cancer and I was told there and then but they would advise me further two weeks later as to what the biopsies showed. I had my WLE/SLNB last week with results to be given next week.
I like honeybee have not heard of the Stereotactic biopsy but I wish you the very best and just remember we are all thinking of you. Let us know at the earliest how it goes.
In the meantime, I agree the “waiting room” is absolutely hideous and we have all been there so you are not alone. No matter how silly you think the question just ask, no matter how many times you feel the need to just come on here and have a rant we all do it and we will ALL understand.
Take good care of yourself, a big hug coming your way.
Tracy xx
Hi Catpaw
I had a stereotactic biopsy and it was not too bad at all. It is like the others have said but it is done using the mamogram as guidance. I have to say I only had one of these because the ultrasound was playing up. Basically it is like having a mamogram again but you are a little longer in position and a little more squeezed in so a bit more uncomfortable. The nurses however are great and explain everything that they are doing and it is over very quickly so please don’t worry. It is a very accurate way of sampling the lump or suspicious area. After it was done i then had to wait another week for the result which in my case was cancer.
Hi Catpaw66,
With regard to the risk being greater for small breasts… I can understand why you would pick up on the comment at the clinic but if you ask the ladies here for a poll I’m sure we would find size makes no difference. I’m a small person/big boobs myself(32FF) er… make that big boob.
Sorry about the tasteless joke but I hope it makes you smile.
Jan xx
Thanks for all the support I have had
I went back to the hosp today and a doctor was present to take a look. I was laying down on the bed being moved about this way and that(Thinking about it it must have been comical for anyone watching)trying to position me correctly on the mamogram plate whilst I was there I thought why are they trying to position my left breast. I was under the understanding that it was my right breast that I had the problem with (well thats where the lumps were) so I mentioned it to the radioligist and she said no its your left one that we found calcifications on. The poor nurses tried several times but it was not any good nothing was happening.
I got dressed whilst the radiologist and the Doctor discussed the next course of action. The doctor mentioned that I have cluster calcifications on my breast but as Im small and the calcification is far back he did not want to perform the biopsy as its only sitting on the edge of the plate and
there is a good chance he will miss the area concearned. So they are now referring me to kings for another method of trying to obtain a sample and there is a possibility that that might not work either. Its laying on my stomach with my boobs through holes they said they will work like being a car mechanic underneath you. So I am no nearer than I was a month ago, still waiting for a biopsy.So will keep you all updated as to when I get another hosp appointment.
sorry for the long post. Love to all
Sorry you had such an uncomfortable time. What conclusions did they come to re. the lumps you found in your right breast? I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the next step. Keep us posted.