Hi, my mum is 76 and has recently been diagnosed with primary breast cancer and secondary lung cancer. We nursed and then lost my dad from a brain tumour in April 08, and it turns out that my mum had had symptoms of breast cancer during this period but didn’t tell anyone. When she finally went to the doctors it had been 2 years since the first symptoms appeared.
Needless to say when we got the diagnosis we were not entirely surprised to find that the cancer had spread to th lung, lymph nodes in the neck, and some spots in the stomach.
Mum is on an anti oestrogen drug to hopefully allay any further spread, and possibly shrink the tumours. In the meantime though she has pleural effusion (fluid on the lung) and is having that aspirated for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. Hopefully they will do a pleuraladesis this time to stop the debilitating condition recurring.
I just don’t know what I can do to help. I don’t know how severe things are for my mum, or how long she may have left, or what quality of life she might have.
For a 76 year old she has been remarkably self sufficient, energetic and dependable… she is the only grandparent for my 3 kids (2, 4 and 6 years old) I feel like I have lost the mum I had already.
Any thoughts, comments or ideas greatfully received.
Hi Jen, I’m so sorry you have to join us on here. It’s very difficult to watch someone you love going through a serious illness. I don’t have any experience to help you I’m afraid, but I would say, just be there for your Mum. Just having a daughter to talk to and caring about her will be a comfort.
You sound very clued up about what is going on and that’s good, because she will be able to talk to you about it. Every case of breast cancer is different and it is difficult for doctors to estimate how long anyone has left, but it might be a good thing for you to speak to one of the breast care nurses. I know the BCNs at my local hospital are happy to speak to relatives and you may be able to ask questions that you don’t want to ask when your Mum is with you.
This site is a mine of infomation and full of lovely ladies with loads of different experiences, so I’m sure someone will be able to help you more specifically. In the meantime, sending you and your children ((((hugs))))
Sal x
Thanks Sal,
It’s reassuring to know there are people out there who understand. I will speak to the breast care nurses and see what I can find out.
Mum is still in hospital (she was admitted on Friday) and is having the pleural effusion aspirated and then a pleuraladhesis to hopefully prevent the fluid build up again… then it’s bone density scans on Wednesday.
What Joy!!
Thanks again xxxx