Diagnosed January 25, 3 weeks post op from lumpectomy and sentinel node removal.
G3 / S1 - TNBC - aged 50.
Surgery went well, lump is gone and lymph nodes not involved. Now waiting for oncology appointment, treatment plan for onward management and genetic testing.
Feel like my old life has been flipped upside down and smashed to pieces and really struggling to navigate the waiting and how overwhelming and bloody scary this is!
Big love everyone having to go through this awful living nightmare
It is a difficult journey, with lots of obstacles. I try to remind myself that my diagnosis could be far worse (17mm IDC, G3, LVI but clear nodes), and soon I’ll be back to doing my normal everyday activities.
And I am getting back to normal on the whole. But there are still moments when I’ve just about had enough and I don’t want any more little “extras” thrown in.
We all understand the ups and downs and here to help each other.
It really does turn your life upsdown, so many feelings involved. I had TNBC G3 when I was 31, 23 years ago - unfortuantely for me, I’ve just been diagnosed with completely unrelated primary BC, same as @sal1 - except I’m not sure about the nodes, I “think” the MRI showed clear but I can’t remember - note to self, write everything down! I’m just getting my head around DIEP surgery on Sunday…
It really is rubbish - but you’ve got this! And this is a great place to come for support and understanding xx
Hi @kayb26 my diagnosis was the same, I’m 5wks post op, scab has gone, I’m rubbing in Rio Rosa Mosqueta oil, several times a day to reduce scar. I’m waiting for genetics results. If you start chemo next month, do join the March starters, I’m in next week for bloods, so I may be starting soon after, absolutely terrified of sides, best of luck for your next appointment xx
@glimmers - it really does turn it all upside down and back to front.
So sorry you are going through this again, good luck for Sunday, let us know how you get on when you feel able, will be thinking of you x
@cruising - sorry you have TNBC diagnosis as well. Thanks for the tip - I’ll get some of that oil. I was surprised how neat my scar was!! I Had a mild panic earlier this week about how hard and lumpy the tissue feels though.
Getting your bloods done seems like a positive! Keeping everything crossed you’ll begin treatment soon.
I spoke to my BCN yesterday and they explained that treatment won’t start for me until at least 6 to 8 weeks post op. I’m at 3 at the moment and so am hoping oncology appointment is soon they are going to chase up the referral.
The genetics testing is worrying me …it’s such early days and I think the shock of it all has left me with a worst case scenario mindset especially at 2 o’clock in the morning !!!