Newbie - things can only get better!

Hello All – can I join you please?
I was referred to my local breast care unit by my GP after I found a lump in my right breast. I don’t know how long the lump has been there as I only noticed it when I was lying down , whereas I normally check myself when I’m sitting in the bath. The lump is quite large and I’m scared that because I didn’t check properly that it might have been there for a long time. I’ve also lost a bit of weight recently so maybe that made it easier to notice?
Anyhow after an 8 day agonising wait my appointment day finally arrived. My GP told me I would have a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy all on the same day and would have some answers by the time I left the clinic. I am a total control freak and have to know what is going on so it was some comfort to me that by the end of the clinic visit I would at least know something.
Anyhow, when I arrived at the clinic I was examined by the consultant who just said ‘yes, you have a lump, I will refer you for a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. It will be in around 2 weeks time’. I couldn’t believe it! Really, what was the point of wasting my time and valuable NHS resources just to tell me something my GP told me the week before? Well, I just broke down in tears; I couldn’t stand the thought of having another 2 week wait. At this point I got really angry – I know I shouldn’t have but I think it was all my pent-up emotions coming out. I am trying to stay strong and had been hiding my emotions from my 10 year old daughter (I don’t want to tell her anything yet – not until I know what is going on).
The consultant was obviously taken aback by my reaction (I’m slightly embarrassed about it now) but some good did come out of it. I have private cover through my employer and the consultant managed to get me into the private hospital in the town this afternoon to have the triple tests done. I am lucky to have this option but what about all of the other poor ladies who must be going though the same thing. I am going to write to my GP’s surgery – and let them know that the info they are giving out is incorrect. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this stress.
Well – the outcome of the triple test was inconclusive. The lump was classed as suspicious (3) so now I am back to playing the waiting game again! It just feelss a lot better to know that things are in motion now. Sorry for the long rant – I’m not normally such a moaner and I promise to keep posts shorter in future.
I look forward to chatting to you all soon.

Hi Sue,

I just spotted your post and saw you haven’t had any replies yet - we have some teething trouble with the forum as it is now and new posts are not appearing in the Latest Posts area until they have had a reply. Unfortunately I think most members read the forum that way. Hopefully it will get fixed eventually! But that isn’t what you are wanting to hear is it!
I am in a very different place to you just now. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago, and then with secondaries in 2002 but I can still remember what it felt like that first time when my GP found mine. Sometimes a tumour can grow very quickly - mine were the type that did just that so don’t beat yourself up about not spotting yours sooner. Rather give yourself a pat on the back that you were checking. I would love to hear what your GP has to say when he/she receives your letter. It is just so wrong with all the fear and anxiety that goes hand in hand with this awful disease to be dishing out that sort of misinformation. You must have been gutted and I am not surprised you burst into tears. Anyway I am not going to go rambling on now - it is long past my bedtime LOL I will be watching out to see how you get on and to see what course of action they take next to determine the type of breast cancer you have. You will meet a lot of good friends online here who wil help you to find your way through this maze.

Hi Sue

As well as the support you receive here if you need to talk things through with someone please do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can share your worries with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. The lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

[color=#faa0e0]Thank you so much for your support.
[color=#faa0e0]I have been following the community forum since I found the lump and I have to say, all of the ladies are truly inspirational. It’s so hard to stay upbeat when it feels like your world is crashing down around you but this forum proves that people are strong and that this disease can be beaten.
[color=#faa0e0]I should have the results of my biopsy early next week (I was told within 3 to 5 days) so I guess that is quick. I will let you know the outcome. I have everything crossed, as you can imagine.
[color=#faa0e0]I am today seeing if I can postpone paying for my summer holiday. The balance needs to be paid on the 11<sup>th</sup>, but I won’t have any answers by then. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, if only I had taken out insurance when I booked the trip and not waited, as I always do, to take it out a few weeks before we are due to go!
[color=#faa0e0]Love and hugs to you all

Hi sue,
a similar thing happened to me. Gp referred me after finding a lump which she thought was a cyst. 4 weeks later I saw the breat clinic at the hospital For then to be told, after not a very good examination, that I needed a scan and i would get the appiontment within the next 4 weeks!! Like you, I was very angry and upset! To have waited 4 weeks and then to be told another 4 for a scan just freaked me out. I ended up going private for a scan and mammo. They found 4 lumps to my horror and said I needed biopsies. They could’ve done it there and then but the price would’ve gone up to 1-2 thousand pound which I couldn’t afford as I was self paying and had no private health insurance. So they have referred me back to their NhS hospital for the biopsies. My appt is this Monday. The waiting is just the pits and I have just stopped functioning. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
Ill keep my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on.
Sending cyber hugs!
Sara x

Hi Sara,
You poor thing - I can’t belive you had to wait 4 weeks for a intial referral. I had only 8 days to wait and that time was absolute hell. I think I would have completely lost it if I’d have had to wait any longer. I’m starting to realise just how lucky I am (never thought I’d say that on this forum ). I seems like some hospitals have a one stop shop (which is what is needed) whereas it looks like our hospiatls just have someone there to tell you what you and your GP already know (which seems like a complete waste of time and money). Right, I’m getting off my soap box now!

I hope all goes well for you on Monday. I will be thinking of you and will keep everything crossed for you.

It really does seem to vary from place to place, i had what you were expecting Sue’, appt a week after had been to gp, did all tests that morning and went back next week for results to be confirmed (the told me they were pretty sure it was cancer whilst I was there) thought this was normal but the more I hear the more lucky I feel in both my gp and my hospital. Good luck both xx

Hi Ladies

For me, I went to my GP and had a referral for a mammogram within a week. I had my mammogram and was given an appointment for 1 week later for the results.

I went the following week and was told that there was a shadow and he would take a biopsy. 1 Week later I went back (again) for the results of the biopsy to be told that I had BC. I was then given a blood test and a chest x-ray and was told that because the ultra sound doctor was on holiday, I would need to wait another week for that to happen and also receive the results of my tests.

The next week I went back, received my ultra sound which confirmed BC and also the size and then I was told that my x-ray and bloods were clear and I would be booked in for a lumpectomy and sentinel node remove 2 weeks later.

I had my WLE & SNB on Friday 3rd May. I now have an appointment for 15th May to receive my results. I’m back in the waiting room yet again. Although I know that they have removed the tumor and the ultra sound doctor said there was no sign in my nodes, I am preparing myself to be told they didn’t get clear margins or I have mets in my nodes (which don’t show on ultra sound) and I have to go back for another op.

Another thing that has entered my thoughts over the past day or so is whether it has spread to other parts of my body i.e. bones, liver, lungs etc etc - Perhaps it only spreads through the nodes to those parts, but I can’t help thinking the worst now.

I was so positive after the op, but now, being back in the waiting room…It sucks big time.

Sue - I am so glad that you had private medical through your work and that you were able to get an immediate appointment. Keep us updated with your results.

Good Luck,
Martha xx

Sue I am so sorry that you have been messed about so I went to my GP and she sent a fax for me to be seen the following week I went for my appointment to the hospital the next week and had all the tests done that day and was given a date for the following week to find out the results but the consultant did say they thought there was a mass there and it may have to come out so I was told on the day the following week I went back as asked and they gave me all the results which ended up with me being booked in for a MX in two weeks time well I have had it done now and feeling fine So Sue don’t blame you GP as he/she was only doing what they thought right at the time good luck with all your results
Hugs xxx

Thank you all Ladies, I really appreciate your support. It is a comfort to know I am not alone.
Martha - I understand how you must be feeling - the time we spend waiting is hellish and you end up coming up with all sorts of scenarios (and typically they are always the worse ones we can think of). It’s so diffiuclt not to worry and it’s an awful feeling being so helpless during these times. I wish you all the very best of luck, and I’m sure nothing will be anywhere near as terrible as the thoughts going round in your head. Remember, given what the doctors have already told you, it highly likely that all of the nasties have now gone for good.
My consultant’s secretary called me today and provisionally booked me an appointment for tomorrow at 7pm and will confirm this if my results are back by then. If the results aren’t ready I will have to wait until next Friday. I’ve got to the point now that I want to know and yet I am terrified by the thought of what the consultant is going to say.
If it is bad news the thing I am dreading most is telling my daughter. She is 10 years old (nearly 11) and very bright so I can’t hide anything from her - but how much and what do I tell her? Does anyone else have a child around this age and if so can you please let me know how you handled the conversation?
Love and hugs to you all,

Hi Sue

I wanted to wish you luck for tonight - I hope it all goes to plan.

I have a son aged 13 and a daughter age 7. I have told my son everything. I used Kylie Minoque as an example and he started to understand. By using her, it doesn’t come across so frightening as she has been through this and come out the other end.

My daughter on the other hand was a different story - I haven’t told her anything. Although she is extremely bright and know about cancer (by relatives passing away recently), I decided to tell her that mummy needed to go for a bood job (this was for my lumpectomy). I have also told her that I will need further treatment to make it better (this will be the radiotherapy). When it comes to the chemo, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to say about that, but I will make it fun for her and say that she can come wig shopping with me (I’ll probably end up with a rainbow effect wig lol) and she can also help me pick out some nice hats and scarft too.

I would suggest speaking with the BCC helpline - They also have a book called “mummies lump”. You may find this usefull too.

Let me know how you get on.

Take care

Thanks Martha,

I’m hoping and praying that I won’t have to tell her anything but the idea of using celebs who have beat the disease is a great one. I will have a look into that book too - thanks for the advice.
My appointment is confirmed for 7pm tonight - so just over a hour to go.
I’ve had a diazepam so I’m Ok at the moment - just hope I can stay awake long enough to hear what the consultant has to say
I’ll let you know how it goes.

I hope you are feeling a bit brighter today - you did seemed a bit down yesterday but I guess this is probably the biggest and worse rollercoaster to be on.
Lots of love

Hi Sue,
just wanted to wish you all the very best for tonight. Will be thinking of you xx
Fingers and toes crossed x
Sara x

Hey Sue

Well by now you will be on your way to your appointment. I’m thinking of your and have got everything crossed that it is good news. Squishy hugs xx

I was given Inderal - I took it for 2 days but slept on and off for 3 days. Everytime I sat down my eyes wanted to close lol. As I run my own business it wasn’t good to be asleep :wink:

Ah yes, yesterday was a darn nightmare. Those pesky “back of the head” thoughts came creeping forward like a raging bull but then I started my period today and the world is a much brighter place. I posted on the forum because I wanted to get everything that was in my head out in the open and I knew that I would get the support that I so needed.

I love this forum - It is amazing and everyone is so brave.

Anyway, good luck sweetie, take a deep breath, prop your eyes up with match sticks and I’ll be here when you get back.

Take care and the very best of luck
Martha xx

Hello Lovely Ladies,
Well, I have just received the best news ever. The lump is benign. They are not yet sure if it is a fibroadenoma or a Phyllodes tumour but there is no evidence of cancerous cells.
I am having it removed on the 31<sup>st</sup> of May and then hopefully that will be that.
Thank you all so much for your support - I really don’t know how I would have got by without you.
I will continue to follow your progress and really do wish you all the very best of luck for the future. You are inspirational ladies and I feel honoured to have met you (albeit in cyberspace).
Sending you all loads of love,

Yay Sue - That call for a glass or 2 of wine. I am so, so pleased for you.

Now go and relax and enjoy your weekend.

Lota of love
Martha xx

Fantastic news Sue! I’m so pleased for you :slight_smile:
Sending virtual celebration hugs !!
Now go and chill, have a glass or two of wine and enjoy your weekend.
Take care
lots of love
Sara xx

Always fab to hear good news!

Good luck continue to come your way, and have a long and happy life! :slight_smile: xxx

Best news ever Sue, good luck for the 31st. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Love Poemsgalore xxx

Thank you all for your kind comments.