Hello, I’m new here so hope I’m posting in the right place.
I’ve been given a GP appointment almost 2 weeks away to check a couple of breast lumps. The receptionist said I’d been triaged as “non-urgent”. I know I should find that reassuring but I wanted to cry. I’d been building myself up for this.
I’m early 40s with a previous breast referral (benign) in late 20s. The consultant back then said I’d continue to have lumps and to check if new lumps were cyclical before rushing to the drs. So I’ve been monitoring these lumps for a few months - mobile, cyclical - but my brain isn’t letting go.
I hope I don’t seem insensitive posting on this forum, but it’s taken a lot to psych myself up for a GP appointment. I get very nervous at any clinical appointment because of some past experiences. I’d also been thinking about egg freezing or ivf despite age being against me - so thought it important to get these lumps checked now. I’m terrified if they do find something, I’d be too old (or not given time) for effective fertility preservation, and that’s why deciding to go to a GP has been hard.
Am I right in assuming anyone over 30 is automatically referred under the 2 week cancer window? Is there a chance (given I’ve seen a breast consultant before) a GP might just reassure and agree to monitor if they’re confident it’s benign?
Also, if you are referred and it coincides with your period, are you allowed to take ibuprofen for period pain before a breast clinic / potential biopsies? I have visions of being in pain at a breast clinic, and not being allowed painkillers, and partly why I’m upset at the wait to see the GP.
I’ve thought about pushing for them to change the appointment to a male gp in case it’s sooner, but it looks as if I’m seeing the most appropriate GP at my practice. She has a specialist interest in cancer, diagnosis and works with MacMillan, so maybe the dr I’d trust most (whether referred or not). My family think I’d get most peace of mind sticking with the appointment for this particular GP.
I figured others would know what it’s like to have it all going around your head - I’ve been churning it over for 3 months so in a way the appointment is not so far away now…