Newbie waiting for results of biopsy

Had biopsy alongside mammogram on Thursday after ultrasounds and mammograms on Monday last .

Results due Weds. Considering lump ( which wasn’t one that GP referee me with) is only 3mm is 7 biopsy to be worried about. Markers also placed.

Struggling to function normally and oh so tired x

Hi, taking 7 samples is about the norm they need sufficient potentially abnormal cells to test also they look to see if there is any transmission to other parts of breast and lymph nodes.3 out of 4 biopsies are not cancer but if it is at 3 mm it is a very very small lump and therefore caught very early and very treatable.Jill.

Marker is to help surgeon locate area if you did have to have lump removed.

I am also a newbie I have just had a biopsy, as I have been diagnosed with calcification in three area of my right breast . My results are not due until Thursday 18th February. I know,how you feel as I was anxious waiting for my appointment to come of my call back. I now have to wait yet again.

Good luck,waiting is torture.

Has anyone else been diagnosed with calcifications?

Most are not breast cancer, but unfortunately some are which is why they biopsy to be on the safe side .