Newbie with Core Biopsy on 2nd Nov

You lot are all bonkers!! :smiley:

Sophie, sorry about the dog clicker :wink: I think it’s most like an industrial staple gun, or one of those air nail guns for putting up plaster board…Now who should get out more?!!

Anyway, hubby asked how I was this morning and I said ‘Dissapointingly fine!’ The bruise is pathetic and I slept pretty well! So no Chaise Longue for me today :frowning: Hubs has gone off to a conference in Glasgow, Son is at school and I’m off to the hairdressers for some serious pampering!

Thank you all for your thoughts, I really do appreciate it and I’m sending lots of hugs back atcha!

Jus xx

The results are in. I’m delighted to say I don’t have BC, I have Fibroadenomas!

Thank you all for your support during those very trying days of waiting. Although I can’t help each one of you individually, I can do something for BCC. Hubs and I are already planning a charity fund raiser for next year, once it’s sorted I’ll tell you all about it!

Oh…the biopsy bruise is now like a work of art, got some lovely colours going on! :wink:

Big hugs to you all

Jus xx

I am absolutely delighted for you and thank you for thinking of the fundraiser.This is a funny old club-everyone is welcome but we hope no one has to join!!
Enjoy-hope you dont have to come back but do pop in if you are passing :slight_smile:

Fabulous news Jus - I’m so pleased for you, and I hope we managed to raise a smile at a really really difficult time for you! Sounds very odd to say ‘so glad you’re not a member of the club’, but I really, really am happy!

Would love to hear about your fundraiser xx
