I’m 39 with a history of lumpy breasts (mamograms/ultrasounds twice previously) but recently one particular lump has become more painful. I took myself off to the Docs and he referred me although he was not worried. I had my appt at the breast clinic on the 26th, Mamogram & Ultrasound. The radiographer found my lump and another one! She advised FNA but when I saw the consultant 20 mins later, he said there was no point as he didn’t think I needed it and he discharged me there and then with no follow up.
The following day I got a letter from the X-ray dept with an appt for US core biopsy on 2nd Nov. I rang the number and explained I had been discharged the day before, the receptionist rang the consultant’s secretary - apparetly they looked again at my scans and want to do the biopsy. There is a letter in the post by all accounts from the consultant - but it’s not arrived yet!
As you can imagine, I’m going slightly bonkers with worry! In the meantime, can anyone put me straight on the Core Biopsy Vs FNA? Does it mean bad news or am I getting my knickers in a twist over somethig that could just be precautionary?
Many thanks for listening, I’m home alone at present as hubs works abroad, but he is here for the Biopsy on the 2nd Nov!
P.s Not at all ‘Hotlips’ - It’s the name of my motorbike :0)
Hi Hotlips! lol… what sort of bike do you have?!! The only nickname mine merits is rustyolheapash…<grin></grin>
Well, you’ve had a runaround, haven’t you? Poor you - huge sympathy etc. etc.
I can’t answer your question really, but I can tell you that when I had my biopsies done I had core biopsies taken from the breast itself, and FNA from the lymph nodes under my arm - I just assumed that the core biopsies took bigger tissue samples to culture? When it comes to breast biopsies I am no expert whatsoever - but I do know that my OH had core biopsies done when he had a prostate scare (if you think baring your breasts is bad enough…ooh, we don’t always have it the worst!) - they took 8 core samples, and all were neg - so in his case, core didn’t mean the worst case scenario.
Hopefully someone will soon give you a much better, more coherent answer than I have, but I wouldn’t read too much into the type of biopsy - you’ll be worrying enough about the results as it is. I hope you get your answers, and results through very fast - and do ask the radiographer on the day what the difference is, and why you’re having them done - you’ll kick yourself after if you don’t!
Good luck, I’ll be thinking of you on 2nd, and keeping everything crossed. Let us know how you get on?
I was dx back in 2006 and I found a lump in my right breast but the clinic couldn’t find anything bar some thickened tissue. They decided to do a core biopsy of the area…the put some local in and then this ‘thingie’ took 5 samples of tissue. I didn’t feel anything and it sounded a bit like a stapler…a lot of bruising tho.
When I went back into clinic and was given the bad news, they said there was another area they were concerned about and wanted to take a biopsy of that…this time they used a Fine Needle one.
So…my guess is that if there is an area they are unsure of they can get more samples by taking the core biposy with it’s 5 needle thingies than what they get from just the one needle. They have to be more exact where they put that to get the biopsy.
Please, please ask a professional if you aren’t sure because as I said this is my assumption of what happened to me,
A stapler, that’s exactly it. All I could think of was it sounded like the clicker I use to train my dogs - but I didn’t get a treat for being good!! I had worse bruising from the FNA in my armpit, but poss. it’s just an area that bruises easily! Neither were really all that bad to cope with, though, just a little uncomfortable.
If you would like to give the helpline here a ring before you go for your appointment one of the staff will explain to you the difference between a core biopsy and FNA. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 open Mon to Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2. Here to support you through this.
I dont know if its any help butI had fna first-they try to draw fluid from a lump[using a fine needle] to see if there are cancerous cells-if there is no fluid they may get a cell sample.If the lump is seen to be solid on u/s or mammo then a core biopsy will take a sample of tissue to be tested.
many years ago I had a core biopsy for what turned out to be a collapsed/atrophied cyst.I also had both tests before my bc dx in 2006.
Good Luck
Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to me - I’ve a nice fluffy feeling inside now
Sophie - Thanks for the biopsy info, Dog clicker and staplers?!! I’ll let you know which I think it sounds like My bike is only a baby - Honda CG125 (I’m in the middle of my tests - passed my MOD 1 on the 19th!!) but Hotlips is my pride and joy! What have you got? Oh and your poor OH - that made me wince!!
Sheana - Thank you also, I have stapler and dog clicker in my head now so at least I will know what expect and not surprised! And I certainly will ask the professionals the difference on Tuesday, it might tell me in the letter - if it ever arrives!
Jo, thanks for the number - if the letter hasn’t arrived on Monday, I probably will ring, just to get it straight in my head.
Val - Is there much difference in pain between FNA & Core biopsies? I’m still unsure as to why oriinally the radiographer said FNA but the letter is for Core.
Before I forget - what does DX mean?!
Finally, big hugs to you all - you’re all totally amazing!
Hi Justine - on the pain thing - I found it uncomfortable, but not painful - to be honest, the only ‘ow’ moment was the injection of painkiller. The core biopsies of my breast didn’t hurt at all - though the bruise that came up a couple of days later was quite impressive - but not in a place I could show off about it! The FNA of my lymph nodes was more uncomfortable than the core biopsies - but that’s got to be due to having more nerves running about in that area. Both were absolutely bearable, so don’t fret about them. They don’t take long, either. (OH reckoned his were massively painful and he had to be an utter hero to cope…lol… but then he’s a bloke, nuff said).
My bike is an ancient GS750, more off the road than on, and OH has a Triumph Bonneville 750, which is generally more usable! Don’t get out on either much now - four kids and four dogs make bikes a luxury escape for me - but love it when I do manage it!! Twenty years ago I couldn’t imagine ever having to admit to that!
Hope your letter arrives tomorrow, the waiting around is the absolute pits, and good luck for Tuesday. xx
Hi Justine dx=diagnosis
as for pain the fna is relatively painless-a bit like when you have a blood sample taken.The core biopsy they usually give you a local anaesthetic so it doesnt hurt much-maybe a sort of ‘pinch’ when they actually take the sample.There is often a bruise afterwards but not much soreness.As the others say the ‘click’ can be alarming if you are not prepared.mine was a mammogram guided core biopsy so breast was clamped in mammo machine while they located the lump.It is all unpleasant,scary and uncomfortable but pain is unlikely to be a problem-honestly.I back up what the others say about ringing bcc helpline-I have found it invaluable-very friendly,supportive and informative.I used it a lot in the early days.
love valxxx
I was terribly unlucky in that my core biopsies
(3 from one breast lump) were excruciatingly
painful while they were happening. All I can think is
the local didn’t make it to the area it was most needed.
Everyone has a different experience, and
I’m sure you will have a more normal experience than I did,
but don’t be afraid to ask for more local if you
find the first biopsy is quite painful.
Wishing you a (relatively) calm experience.
It is all worth it for the excellent information
they will get from the biopsies.
Hi Justine
I had a FNA on an area of suspected cysts a few years ago and that was a bit painful, but not excruciating. This time round they had spotted a definite lump so took three core biopsies from it, guided by ultrasound. They gave me a local anaesthetic first which stung a bit, but the biopsies didn’t hurt at all. I was warned about the punching sensation and the noise, which the radiographer demonstrated to me beforehand so I wouldn’t jump. As others have said, it caused the most spectacular bruising from the biopsies, went every colour under the rainbow and lasted for 2 or 3 weeks. If I’d known in advance that I was going to have a biopsy I would have taken Arnica tablets for 2 days before it to minimise the bruises.
Sarah x
Thank you all for your comments since I last posted. I’m pleased to say the US core biopsies are done. They took 8 biopsies from 2 lumps - both approx 16mm in size. I concure with most of you, the 2 x local anaesthetics stung - he did have a bit of a root around with the needle first!! :-s As for the actual biopsy bit - ‘staple gun’ is exactly right! The lovely Aux nurse held my hand and we counted backwards from 8 as the Radiologist took each of the samples.
I did have a peek at the biopsy needle after the first sample was taken, but decided against watching!! I wouldn’t say it’s painful, uncomfortable with a fair bit of pressure applied and a lot of rooting around would be a better description. But it was bearable and I was able to carry on chatting. The nurses and radiologist were all lovely to me so no complaints.
One the way home the consultant’s secretary rang me on my mobile whilst we were on our way home to book my results appt. It’s on Thursday at 5:30pm! I’ll be back with the results!!
Off now for a cuppa, I’ve just taken some paracetamol - it’s a bit stingy (feels a bit like a mild burn) at the moment but it’s bearable. OH is being fab and is looking after me so I’ll milk it for a little while
Do you think it’s ok to use Arnica cream on the bruising, from tomorrow, if I miss the actual entry site?
Well done you - and nice speedy turn around on the results - that’ll be a relief, not having to wait too long. Everything crossed for you for Thursday, of course. Disappointed you’ve gone with staple gun and not dog clicker… hmmm… though actually, stapler is prob. closer, and more apt. Eeww, just made myself shudder at the thought.
Don’t know about putting arnica on, can’t advise, sorry. My bruising took about three days to come out properly on my boob - whereas my armpit was black by the time I got home… the boob bruise faded quick - I’ve still got the armpit bruise, over a fortnight later! (Ok, it’s not as dramatic, but it’s still there! Ok… it’s tiny now. but still there. Moi, milk it???)
Drape yourself across the sofa (unless you have a chaise longue and can really do it in style) and moan pathetically every now and then, and look sorrowful because you can’t possibly make yourself a cup of tea/pick up the wine bottle…
Good to hear you sounding so cheerful and positive. (((hugs)))
lololol…it’s pretty close tho I’ll give you that! Amazing how the mind can work even in situation of extreme stress. Good job we can laugh about it too.
Sheana x
PS…I must research and see what particular brand of staple gun is the closest to the noise.
Well girls I relate to it sounding like a staple gun but when I had mine 7 in all I thought it sounded exactley like when you have your ears pierced.
Glad you haven’t got to do too much worrying hotlips hope you get good results. :o) Caron x