Newbie with secondary breast cancer

Hi all


I’m new to the site but not new to breast cancer. I’ve had more than 2 decades of briliant health following a mastectomy in 1991 (followed by chemo and tamoxifen for 5years).


I’m now 63 and 3 months ago found (by accident almost) that the bc had returned in my chest lymph nodes and in my left ovary. They also found a tumour in my bladder (a new primary! now removed).


All in all it’s been a bit of a shock - it has felt very unreal to say the least. Been in hospital recently to have a pleural effusion drained but luckily, apart from that, I continue to feel well, am active and have a very postive outlook. I was started on Anastrozole 4 weeks ago but that did not seem to work so now on Tamoxifen. Next review in 4 weeks.


I’ve been looking at this site for a couple of weeks and finally plucked up courage to become part of the community. I’ve got lots of questions so I’ll post in the secondary breast cancer section later in the week. Would love to hear from anyone who has a similar ‘pattern’ as me.


Best wishes to everyone x

Hi Nellgwyn,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support  from the many informed users of this site who I am sure will be along soon to offer that support.

Could I suggest that you post again in the Secondary forum (link below) where the regular users of this area of the forums are a wonderful support to one another and have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them.

Also, you might find it helpful to join in our Secondary Live Chat service which runs each Tuesday evening between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, there you can ‘talk’ to others with a secondary diagnosis in real time, the session is hosted by a nurse and a moderator is at hand for the technical side of things.  Again the regular users are a wonderful support to one another and welcome new users openly.  The only thing I must point out is that at the moment Live Chat can only be accessed from a laptop/desktop the system won’t connect to tablets/ipads/phones - but we are working on this.  The link to Live Chat is below for you to have a look at.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator